Fucked Clean

Maybe the Proud Boys just need to get laid

Sarene B. Arias
Sensual: An Erotic Life


Photo by JPBennett1 via Flicker

On January 6, 2021, the United States Capitol in Washington, D.C., was stormed during a riot and violent attack against the U.S. Congress. A mob of supporters of President Donald Trump attempted to overturn his defeat in the 2020 presidential election by disrupting the joint session of Congress assembled to count electoral votes to formalize Joe Biden’s victory. The Capitol complex was locked down and lawmakers and staff were evacuated while rioters occupied and vandalized the building for several hours. More than 140 people were injured in the storming. Five people died either shortly before, during, or after the event.

Since their attempt to bring down American democracy, I’ve been thinking a lot about the Proud Boys.

I am a lover of men, especially alpha men. I know how empowered men feel when they are pressed skin to skin against me. Tickling the snake of their power, charming it so that it will come out to play, is my gift and my greatest pleasure.

I don’t just believe in men’s intrinsic goodness, I believe in their uniqueness. I believe this even when it flies in the face of the good feminist education I’ve received, which once taught that claiming essential differences between the sexes is misguided and now proclaims all gender to be a construct.



Sarene B. Arias
Sensual: An Erotic Life

Hands-on healer and author of Compassionate Divorce. Support me by being a paid member: sarene.medium.com/membership 👋🏼 sarene.arias@gmail.com