Gunmetal Blue

Beth Agar
Sensual: An Erotic Life
1 min readMar 11, 2019
Photo by Sofia Sforza on Unsplash

She shoots to thrill, half-cocked and lethal. Her sniper smile has me quaking in her cross-hairs, muzzle flash white and blinding. The heady scent of smoke on her breath fills me up as ‘quick-draw!’ I’m hit. Her mouth is a revolver, her tongue a bullet chamber. The nip of her teeth stings like bullets. I nip back, and it feels like I’m biting bullet cases. I want to pull back the hammer of her head and lick down the grip of her neck as cold, clever fingers thumb the pulse in my skin. “Feels like ricochet,” she rumbles as she lathers me in black powder. I knew it was stupid to kiss a smoking barrel, but I loved the metal taste of her mouth so much I’d risk my fingers catching the trigger.

