Hookup Culture is a Raw Deal for Women.

Here’s why

Gal Mux
Sensual: An Erotic Life


Vidar Nordli-Mathisen on Unsplash

While I was swiping on Tinder this week, I matched with this Dutch guy who immediately messaged me:

I am from the Netherlands. I am looking for a woman to have fun with online. No promises, no meeting, no love, no relationship, no money, or any other expectations. Are you interested?

I straight away messaged him back.

You are fucking sick in the head!

He swiftly unmatched me.

And this has not been the only instance I have encountered such absurdity.

The audacity!

Before you condemn my choice of app, yes I know Tinder is not the best place to look for a partner who would be interested in something more serious. The app is just more convenient and it looks like a better choice for what’s out there at the moment. And yes, online dating could be a big sham as it is.

And yes again, as a 35-year-old woman, I have set it that I do not match with anyone below 30. So this Dutch man was well within an age where he would want more out of the connections he got in his life.

He just was looking for a woman dumb enough to offer him her time, attention, and pleasure all for little to no gain on her part. Like a personal Only Fans content creator…

