How surrendering to the mystic force of Eros awakens your true Vitality

Sensual: An Erotic Life
5 min readJan 14, 2023

And why having a full-body orgasm is an act of cosmic service

Photo by Rhett Wesley on Unsplash

She is sitting on my lap in Yab yum, legs wrapped around my waist, my erect member penetrating her.

Yab yum is the divine tantric position, depicted as a female deity seated in union on the lap of the male deity.

It represents the mystical union of wisdom (feminine) and compassion (masculine), that need to be unified to overcome the veils of Maya (the false duality of object and subject) and reach enlightenment (unity)

Our bodies grind and dance to the sensual rhythms of Life,

up and down, back and forth

waves of heat start flowing from the base of my spine to the top of my head

vital energies curling upward like snakes

our hips are spreading wider

the weight of her body grounding me into the earth

our bodies melting into fusion

As the intensity peaks, she pulls me forward

lying down on her back, I’m penetrating her deeply

profound, intense thrusts

Her inner heat is opening, welcoming me fully

Suddenly, her gates of pleasure are flooding open

a fountain of sensual heat engulfs my throbbing phallus

as she climaxes, a wave of emotions inundates my being

my whole body starts shaking, tears and laughter are welling up

“Are you crying or laughing?”, she asks

“I don’t know!”, I reply, with a hilariously confused voice

For the first time in my life, I experienced a full body orgasm

A non-ejaculatory cosmic orgasm

I surrendered to the mysterious sexual energy of Eros

Eros is the Life Force that drives creation

It is the primordial force of allurement at the very heart of existence itself

It is everywhere, omnipresent, and omnipotent

It is the outrageous love, which moves the sun and the stars

It is the Force that attracts bees to flowers and trees to the sky

It is the Force that allures one body to merge with another body, one soul to merge with another soul

A deep expression of consciousness reaching for unity

The pull of this Life force is irresistible

How does the force of Eros manifest concretely in human intimate relationships?

Do you know this strong desire when you’re sexually attracted to someone?

That electrifying, blissful feeling and longing to connect closely?

The deep yearning to reveal yourself in a most intimate and real way?

That yearning, at its core, is the deep aspiration of the soul toward wholeness

When that primal attraction is blended with a mutual intention to open the heart and explore love, then something mysterious is set in motion that takes on its own momentum

An involuntary force is activated that creates an organic, self-regulating, spontaneous rhythm

the rhythm of Eros

a cosmic, mystical dance is initiated

the joyful dance between the masculine force and the feminine force

the masculine expresses an outgoing movement of reaching, giving, acting, initiating, asserting

the feminine expresses a receptive movement of taking in and nurturing

Both forces spontaneously manifesting as soul movements

The more spontaneous the inner movements become, the more vitality is experienced and the better the involuntary processes will function.

Do you feel called to awaken the powerful energy of Eros within you?

Liberating your primal instincts to revitalize your life?

Integrating your sexual self with your spiritual self?

Well then,…be aware….

Pursuing such mystical journey is a sacred adventure that kicks off a purification process

It is an intimate process of liberation

As intimate partners commit to following this sexual current freely, they are activating a powerful Life energy that magnetizes all aspects of Self

revealing where they are liberated and aligned with divine law

as well as revealing hidden facets of their Nature where sexual energy is still stagnant or dormant

All aspects of their Nature are brought back into a flowing state and must manifest

Whatever exists within the human psyche will show up in the intimate experience

Secret sexual fantasies and vulnerabilities will be reawakened and boil up to be experienced, either in the mind or in a safe and playful way within the intimate relationship.

Yearning to be seen and examined in the light of clear truth,

Yearning to be recognized, allowed and integrated

As you engage this process, you become alive and start freeing yourself from your fears

You start unifying as a whole person, in close connection with your lover

And as you both awaken to your true Nature and elevate your vibrations,

the pleasures that become available will grow in intensity and quality

The more you surrender to the creative power of Eros, the more you will access joy, ecstasy and bliss

Following Eros is a sacred pathway to orgasmic bliss

The erotic and the holy becoming one

Following Eros is a process of deep surrender

When you surrender to Eros, you follow an evolutionary impulse that cannot be grasped by the ego-mind

It is like a stream that the human personality must learn to follow

In essence, it is a completely natural process

Something emerging from within that is deeper than who we think we are

Something so divinely attuned, so exact and intricate, that conveying it to our human scope of understanding is impossible.

The only way to reap the benefit of this adventure is to surrender to this magnificent force

Putting aside our ego, our own needs, expectations, defenses, and projections

welcoming the spontaneous, evolutionary movement that issues forth from our innermost being

Breaking through the confines of time and separateness to which our limited mind has bound us

Becoming the open, empty space that welcomes whatever emerges

Letting in what is and accepting what wants to be seen

Giving the freedom to the intimate lover to fully and unconditionally be who they are, while simultaneously recognizing the other in its unmanifested, unrealized potential for growth, change, and goodness

The cosmic dance of ever being and ever becoming

In service to awakening Self and others

In service to outrageous, universal love

In service to filling the darkness of the void with the light of spiritual bliss

I bow with humility and devotion to the Force of Eros

Are you ready for the mystic calling?



Sensual: An Erotic Life

I write about discovering the extraordinary power of waking up in ordinary life. Heartful living, love, spirituality, sexuality, (open) relationships.