How To Tell, Chapter IV: Making Love With Dan

Reflective Thinking
Sensual: An Erotic Life
8 min readFeb 11, 2020

A story about opening up a relationship. Reality meeting fiction.

Chapter IV — Making Love With Dan

As Claire walked into the room she saw Dan sitting at the desk reading a book. Her heart jumped out of excitement and expectation for the night she was going to spend with him. Dan smiled at her, put down his lecture and stood up to greet her. She looked radiant, and he could not take his eyes off her. Claire felt she could see his soul when he held her gaze like this, and inside of her belly butterflies started moving their wings.

When their eyes meet he embraced her and caressed her hair. As if attracted by a magnetic force their lips joined together in a welcome kiss. At that moment time stood still and her senses started working in overdrive to try to grasp all of him. His touch, his smell, the dimmed light in the room all became part of the moment. Dan stepped back, embraced her from the back and held her tight. She started feeling this warmth inside of her anticipating what was going to come.

She was wearing that long brown dress that she had bought in the south of France when they were traveling together. This dress made her feel very feminine, and at the same time brought back great memories. Dan started caressing her arms and slipped one of the straps to the side. Then he turned her around and started unbuttoning the dress from the back while kissing her in small and sweet bursts. She could feel her heart pumping hard, and her cheeks warming up. In her head time did not just stay still now, but started spinning around in full colors. Suddenly the dress fell to the floor and Dan took a step behind to take a long look at her. Claire felt the hunger for her in his eyes and that made her feel wanted. In this moment she would forget about the rest of the world. All that matter was the here and now, nothing else.

Dan kissed her on her neck and slipped one of the straps of her bra over her shoulder while feeling her warm and soft skin with his lips. She could feel every centimeter of her body as he was moving along. Then he moved to the other straps, moved it down and gently slid the top part of the bra under her breasts while caressing them. By now she was not only feeling warmth but a real readiness inside of her. She was enjoying this and she snapped the bra open. Her breasts showed up in all their splendor. Her nipples were hard and firm, sticking out trying to reach his hands, which came into place and covered them. She could feel his warm hands over them and closed her eyes to enjoy the moment. He started moving the hands down as she felt her breathing going faster and deeper.

The expectation of what was going to come next made her aware of the moment. He gently placed her in the bed and removed her stockings, taking time to measure the length of her beautiful long legs all the way to her feet. The sheets in the bed felt nice and soft, and she enjoyed feeling Dan’s hands on her. After this sweet long moment, he removed his clothes and got into the bed next to her. Claire could feel his warmth and the touch of his skin on hers. He placed her in the middle of the bed and started kissing her legs until he got to her panties. She arched her back to help him get the underwear out of place and he started touching her more intimate parts with his tongue. Claire felt a nice calmness, like being by the sea and hearing the waves hit on the beach. She was relaxed and fully aware of her feelings.

Dan could taste her salty and warm wetness, showing all the days that she had been waiting to meet him. She felt she was starting to melt inside, they were feelings of warmth and wholeness at the same time. His hands started caressing the inside part of her legs, and she could feel his fingernails scratching her skin. This increased her sensitiveness to his touch, and in her mind, the waves by the sea became louder. He grabbed her left hand with his, while the index of his right finger moved to the bridge between both her bottom openings. She could feel this push increasing her excitement. It was like tightening up a rope to hold a tent. Her body straightened a bit, and she pushed hard at him with her legs. At the same time he started working her clitoris, and she could feel how it was growing bigger. The waves were now smashing against the sand, at the same pace but with a stronger force. She could start feeling the pressure inside of her mounting.

Right now there was no yesterday nor a tomorrow. He started exploring the bottom of her entrance with his finger while giving her oral pleasure at the same time. Her breathing started to be more and more deep and regular at the same time. She was losing control of herself and was being immersed into a deep primal world of feelings. She could feel his finger turning rounds at her entrance, and feel how wet and warm she was inside. She reached a plateau, and after a few more magical touches of his mouth, she finally reached the stars giving a primal groan. She felt like propelled back into reality by the sea waves, and was blinded by an explosion of light occurring in her brain. All her senses fired at the same time.

Dan moved up and kissed her. She could feel his hard desire against her legs. Claire became an unstoppable need to feel one with him. She reached down and grabbed an excited and hard part of him. Slowly she guided him into her, and a feeling of oneness with Dan came down to her. He pushed until they turned into one body with no space between them. It was as if they had literally fused into one being. She embraced him and wrapped her legs around his back while feeling him move inside of her. She wanted to grab him and never let go, she wanted to feel him as deep as possible inside of her. He was pacing himself and they were enjoying the oneness. He was looking deep into her eyes, and she was holding his gaze. She felt she could not only see into his soul but that their souls had melted into one. After a few seconds which lasted an eternity, he moved out, moved her to the side and embraced her in spoon position. This made her feel cozy and wanted.

To her surprise, his member found its way inside of her and they started to stroke in unison. She could feel how their bodies matched each other as if they had been tailored to be together since the beginning of time. It was a slow rocking movement, and she could feel his hands all over her body. It was a feeling of protection, and somehow a hug that she could not give back. After a while, and while still being one he grabbed and turned her so that he was laying on his back, and she was laying on top of him facing up. With both his hands free he started caressing all her body while moving inside of her. It was as if they had finally melted together into one being and she had grown a second pair of hands. These hands were showing her parts of her body that she had forgotten they existed a long time ago. Her head was to his right side, and he could smell the freshness of her hair. Dan told Claire how fantastic her body was, and that he felt lucky to be holding her like this. She had never felt so desired and sought after before. After a few minutes, Dan moved again back out and placed her on her belly at the bed.

Dan got inside of her from behind and started riding her. It was a position that she liked a lot because she could feel him deep inside of her. While his motion was gentle, she was rocking back and forth and could feel the powerful and strong feelings he had for her. Together with the strong movements and the deep penetration, Dan murmured into her ear: “Right now you are mine and only mine.” She felt like at this moment she was at his mercy, but somehow she had never felt safer at the same time. Claire answered: “yes, this moment I belong to you, and only to you”.

She could feel in his movements that he was getting closer to reach the stars and felt a strong desire of this happening. After what felt like the longest shake he moved out and laid on his back, while he motioned her to get on top of him on the rider position. This was a change of roles she enjoyed a lot. From being owned to owning him. She grabbed his part and slowly introduced it into her while he was watching her. The feeling of control she felt was overwhelming. She held his head up so that he could see how they were turning into one body. And then started moving up and down in such a way that both could see how he was going in and out of her. She looked into his eyes and could feel his enjoyment as they were being one.

She then moved deeper inside of him and started riding him such that it felt like they were just one body under the sun. She wanted so badly for him to reach the climax, and she felt in charge of the moment. He kept caressing her breasts and moving her hips along to help her with the right rhythm. His hands on her made her feel his desire, and she could see in his gaze that he was concentrating on the moment that was to come. She could feel his masculinity growing inside of her and filling her up. After a few more instants she could hear him groaning as he was getting all his loving into her. She could feel an explosion going in her head and fell on top of him exhausted and sweaty. She was smiling a deep smile and looking at his eyes and smile. He moved her hair aside, kissed her gently and placed her in spoon position. He covered her with the blanket and held her so close to him that there was no air between them, no nothing, just skin against skin. It was a feeling of quietness and peace. A feeling of beauty and color. A feeling of exhaustion and joy.

And holding each other like this they felt asleep. In the past sleeping like this with Dan after a session of lovemaking made Claire feel protected and wanted. But tonight she could not get to sleep. The worrisome thought of knowing that what they were doing was not in line with how she wanted to live her life kept her awake.

Coming soon, Chapter V, A Breakup

