I love masturbation as a supplement and not substitute

What’s your take?

Margaret Sitawa
Sensual: An Erotic Life
3 min readJul 11, 2023


Photo by Maria Talks on Unsplash

It’s a common belief that masturbation is usually a substitute for penetrative sex, but I have discovered it is so sweet as a supplement. I have novice experience in this area and enjoy occasionally touching myself. I’m comfortable in my skin and have no pressure while doing it. Recently I discovered there was a much better way of enjoying it.

Usually, I like to laze around after sex. The feelings of release and satisfaction after an orgasm leave me feeling relaxed, peaceful, and calm. I want to watch my partner wake up from me and see him go, waking away to clean himself up. It’s a time for reflection and thanksgiving for this beautiful gift of sex.

A few days ago, I thought I had enough time to masturbate before he returned from the bathroom. I had had my taste, but I wanted one more. So, after he left, I started touching my clit.

Coming from already having orgasmic sex, I’m usually sensitive around my lady bits. But my quest surpassed my sensitivity, and I was sure to do it gently. Slowly I used my right-hand fingers and made circles from my clitoris to my vagina. As much as I was coming from sex, I had cooled off a bit, so the initial instance was enjoyable to explore.



Margaret Sitawa
Sensual: An Erotic Life

You'll find poems and stories with a personal touch here. Whatever you'll find, is my truth.