I Waved Awkwardly, He Thought It Was an Invitation to a Threesome

This happened to my boyfriend and me on the main city road

Tegan writes
Sensual: An Erotic Life
3 min readMar 26, 2022


Photo by Viktor Bystrov on Unsplash

This is a true story.

My boyfriend Myles drives a white Toyota Hiace van with three seats in the front; the driver’s, the middle, and the window. After work, we go to the nearby calisthenics park to work out as we often do, and on the way back, we crawl with the 6 pm traffic until one of the lights goes red. I decided to sit in the middle while Myles drove on the trip home, leaving the window seat empty.

While waiting for the light to go green, Myles gestures to the passenger window and says, ‘that guy is staring at us’.

I see a man in his 50s staring at us and decide to wave. I’ve always been overly friendly by nature, and sometimes it leads to a new friend, and other times it gets me in trouble. I’ll let you decide which at the end of the story.

The driver waves back and makes a winding down motion. I look to Myles, who shrugs and says, ‘here we go’. I wind down the passenger window.

‘I haven’t seen someone sit in the middle seat in years. You’re both adorable.’

We laugh, and I look at the lights for go, but it’s still red. ‘Thanks, that’s funny.’

He continues. ‘Where are you both headed?’

Myles answers, ‘home’.

‘Oh? And where’s that?’

Myles tells him the suburb and adds, ‘and you?’

The driver points to his left and replies with the suburb next to us. ‘Got plans tonight?’ He asks.

I laugh nervously and look to Myles, who answers again. ‘Actually, we do. I’m having dinner with friends, and she’s going on a date.’

He looks surprised and points between us, ‘are you together?’

We look at each other and smile. ‘Yeah, we are.’

‘And you’ll be sleeping in the same bed tonight?’

‘Yeah, we will.’

Satisfied, the man makes his proposal. ‘Want to follow me home and hang out tonight?’

I can’t believe this is happening at a red traffic light on the main road. ‘Thanks, but we have plans, and we’re not interested.’

He deflects my answer and presses further. ‘Oh, come on, you’ve got a spare seat there. Enough room for three?’

The light goes green, but we can’t move yet due to the traffic. The driver could go ahead but stays in line with us to chat. ‘I’ve never had any complaints,’ he adds and looks down at his groin with a wicked grin.

Myles replies, ‘sorry, but you’re not our type. We like someone with more up top,’ and rests his hand on his chest. We’re driving and keeping up with the conversation. I watch it unfold in disbelief.

‘Aw, come on. What type of bed do you have? A queen?’

‘No, a double, and it barely fits us.’ Myles looks ahead and back at the driver. ‘Hey, I need to get over.’

The driver changes lanes to make room for Myles and shouts, ‘follow me!’ but Myles speeds up to fill the gap and changes lanes, effectively putting a couple of cars between us.

‘Can you believe that just happened?’ Myles says with a laugh. ‘Is he following us?’

I look out the window but cannot see his car. I’m laughing and feeling a little anxious at how pushy he was and that it happened. I share the story with my date that night, a cute girl I met at a rave, and Myles tells our friends.

So what do you think? Did I make a new friend or get myself in trouble? My answer is the latter because while a funny story; if I was alone in the van, it might have turned out very differently. The driver could have followed me home and pursued me further. Or perhaps he was harmless and just trying his luck with a young couple. Either way, I hope you found it entertaining.

Have you ever been picked up in a strange place or situation? I’d love to hear your stories.



Tegan writes
Sensual: An Erotic Life

Corporate woman by day, passionate writer by night. My stories focus on trauma, relationships and dating.