In Heat

It seems to ooze out my every pore…

Jupiter Grant
Sensual: An Erotic Life


Photo by Haley Lawrence on Unsplash

The odour of sexual desire permeates the air around me,

Circling swirling air currents filled with the musky scent of sex.

It seems to ooze out my every pore, filters through my clothing

Envelopes me in a warm blanket of scent.

Men look at me differently — can they smell that I’m in heat?

A primal, biological sixth sense that draws them closer to my side,

Like panting wolves, eager to mount.

Do I look different somehow? Is there some glint in my eyes,

Or blush in my cheeks?

What makes it so obvious?

The way I bite my lip, my nipples hardened beneath my blouse?

A spring in my step, or the slink of my hips?

What psychic messages am I sending out,

when I fantasize about you?

Jupiter Grant is a self-published author, blogger, narrator and audiobook producer.

Enquiries and comments are always welcome. You can also find me on Twitter @GrantJupiter

Also by Jupiter:



Jupiter Grant
Sensual: An Erotic Life

Writer, Poet, Narrator, Freelancer. Living in UK & my own head. Send queries here: Buy me a coffee here: