Sensual: An Erotic Life
Oct 23, 2020
Photo by K. Mitch Hodge on Unsplash

It was all dark, I couldn’t sleep.
All I could do was overthink and weep.
Thought I could go to a place not so near.
Who won’t care about death, nothing else he could fear.

I went, slowly, reached the end of the world,
stood on the edge,
Carrying negativity from everywhere I could fetch.

I was in oblivion,
every cell of mine was nothing but dust.
I was bemused when from back,
I felt a thrust.

Yes, it was them, they pushed me off the place.
Everything reminded of the past, I tried to erase.

I certainly, reached a place,
Couldn’t realise what it was.
Everything there was numb, I could feel all my flaws.

I started wandering, with nowhere to go.
The place seemed like a different world, where time moved slow.

A breeze blew, I decided to go the way it led.
On the way, I saw the carcasses of the butterflies dead.

Suddenly spotted someone,
Inside my abdomen he stabbed a knife wide,
I could feel no pain, I was already dead inside.

When I looked at him, I saw my own face.
This was when I realised where I was, I knew this place.

I realized that I’d stopped appreciating little things near me,
For which I should be thankful for.
I’ve stopped caring about the damned things I used to adore.

I realized the place I’m inside is my mind,
Dark and dull with no sign of light.
I was all done, wanted to leave this place never.
So I look laid down and slept there

-Rajnandini Singh Solanki

