It’s Okay to Fantasize About Sex With Other People When You’re in a Relationship

Yes, even when you’re having sex with your partner.

Emme Witt-Eden
Sensual: An Erotic Life
5 min readDec 8, 2020


Photo by Anna Tarazevich from Pexels

Our fantasy life is one thing we should never judge. We should never police our minds. We should be able to think about whatever we want when it comes to sex.

I’m not saying we should act on every fantasy. I’m just saying our fantasy world is one place where everyone should always feel free.

But what happens when this includes fantasizing about having sex with other people when we’re in a relationship? And what if we fantasize about this while we’re having sex with our partner?

Is it wrong to imagine having sex with someone else while we’re getting down with our significant other? Is it disrespectful? Does it mean we don’t love our partner? Is it — gasp — cheating?

No, no, no, and no. In fact, fantasizing about having sex with other people is a way to enhance our sexual experiences with our partners.

Fantasizing about sex with someone else doesn’t mean you don’t love your beloved. Fantasizing isn’t disrespectful — not even when you don’t tell your partner about it.

Fantasizing isn’t cheating either. Sorry folks — only having actual sex with someone else is cheating (well…



Emme Witt-Eden
Sensual: An Erotic Life

Sex, relationships, and culture writer. Kink expert. Author of Confessions of a Middle-Aged F-Girl.