Male Sexual Vulnerability

What if what you want feels embarrassing or shameful?

Liam MacAdam
Sensual: An Erotic Life


(Image property of the author)

Sex is all about vulnerability. At its most basic, we take off our clothes — our armor — and expose the most delicate parts of ourselves to each other. When we think of our earliest ancestors on the African savanna, copulating involved putting their very lives at risk.

And that’s just the physical part. Yes, we shed layers of bodily protection to have sex, but the emotional dimension can be even more powerful than the physical. That seems to be where real connection happens.

I‘ve been thinking about that a lot lately. I’ve always considered emotional vulnerability to be about sharing feelings, about giving up the pretense that you’re invincible.

What Would James Bond Do?

But lately, I’ve come to appreciate that there is an added level of risk involved in asking for what you want in the bedroom. Sometimes what you want the most feels embarrassing or shameful.

Let’s face it: there are certain desires that fit the idealized mold of masculine identity. The basic rule of thumb for men can be summed up with the abbreviation WWJBD.

What Would James Bond Do?



Liam MacAdam
Sensual: An Erotic Life

Liam MacAdam is the male half of the couple responsible for the Monogamish Marriage blog. You can e-mail him at