Masculine Fortitude

Proving the sincerity of his love, while she proves her desire for nonstop pleasure.

Alan Tegel
Sensual: An Erotic Life


Photo by Duané Viljoen from Pexels:

Beautiful Woman
Single for so long
Cursed by Beauty
Surrounded by dolts in love.

Searching for a suitor
Worthy of her time
She hated herself.
Since she was a 10
In so many people’s eyes

She was a simple woman.
Liberated and smart
Wanted to be loved
Wanted to ravish her man
So much his heart would smart

The problem though
So many studs would tease her mind
She was a very sensual woman
She desired love deeply
To be loved many times

Burned by promises
She had to dump so many men
She wondered what had happened
To those wonderful boys, she grew up with

Then she met a smart boy
Who “really” was an amazing man
Vulnerable and open
Working hard to be the perfect kind
Of Feminist Man



Alan Tegel
Sensual: An Erotic Life

Lover of people, Texas Feminist Liberal Democrat, Horse Farm, High Tech Gadget ENFP Guy, and someone who appreciates the struggle of women and wants to help.