#MeToo Has Reached the Goth Club — But Is This a Good Thing?

Yes, it’s high time goth nightclubs adopt the same consent model as sex clubs.

Emme Witt-Eden
Sensual: An Erotic Life
5 min readMar 25, 2021


Photo by Bruno Bueno from Pexels

Cloak and Dagger, the members-only goth club to the stars in L.A., has recently closed its doors for good amid sexual misconduct allegations. The controversy centers around the claims of club member Hannah Harding, who says actor Thomas Middleditch, best known for his role as “Richard Hendricks” on the HBO series Silicon Valley, made lewd comments to her on the dance floor.

When she rebuffed him, he continued to harass and grope her. He did this even in front of club employees. One employee, Kate Morgan, took the issue up with her bosses, club co-founders Adam Bravin and Michael Patterson.

Morgan asked that Middleditch be kicked out of the club, his membership revoked. Bravin and Patterson did no such thing, waving off the claim.

Boys will be boys.

Should this surprise anyone? Bravin himself has also come under fire for harassing female members at the club. Bravin has since apologized, claiming “ignorance to an existing power dynamic between me as part-owner of Cloak & Dagger and the member.”

I’d say. And yet, I don’t fault Bravin entirely for his ignorance. I’m not justifying his…



Emme Witt-Eden
Sensual: An Erotic Life

Sex, relationships, and culture writer. Kink expert. Author of Confessions of a Middle-Aged F-Girl. emmewitt.com