My First Near MFM Threesome

And how it planted a seed that would only be fulfilled years later

Elle Beau ❇︎
Sensual: An Erotic Life


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In my senior year of college, I once found myself naked in bed with the guy I was with and another couple. We’d been drinking, gotten caught in the rain, and decided to get naked and under the covers together to warm up. I was laying on my side, kissing my date, when I felt the other guy begin to press against me, his hands roaming all over my body and his hard cock sliding between my legs. It was exhilarating to be in the middle like that, but it didn’t last long. The other girl got upset that her guy was paying attention to me and the whole thing ended in less than 2 minutes. Still, it was an experience I always remembered.

Many years into a happy and sexually satisfying marriage and I found myself thinking about that college experience again. As a monogamous married woman, I hadn’t really seriously entertained the thought before, but we were going through an exploratory phase in our relationship, and it seemed like the time to bring it up. It still took a fair amount of liquid courage, but I did finally tell James that it was something I found very exciting to imagine. I was pleased and relieved that he didn’t find it objectionable or a blow to his ego and we continued to talk about what it might be like while we made love, whispering in each other’s ears…



Elle Beau ❇︎
Sensual: An Erotic Life

Social scientist dispelling cultural myths with research-driven stories. "Thinking is difficult, that’s why most people judge." ~ Carl Jung