Polyamory Will Never Lead To ‘Just A Few Men With Harems’

Because poly women have multiple partners as well

Elle Beau ❇︎
Sensual: An Erotic Life


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On more than one occasion I’ve been told by somebody who is monogamous that polyamory sounds good in theory, but if it were ever socially sanctioned, it would lead to chaos. The theory being, if monogamy were not socially enforced, just a few elite men would have harems of women and most other men would have no partners, which would lead to unrest. It seems to be men who are the most sure that this is how it would go.

This is a classic case of somebody trying to overlay the paradigm they understand on top of a different one that they don’t really understand. I’m looking at you, Jordan Peterson. There are so many things wrong with this notion that I almost don’t know where to start, but getting clear about what some of these terms mean is probably a good beginning.

Polygamy is the practice or custom of having more than one wife or husband, although in nearly all cases, polygamy has historically been a patriarchal structure where the man has more power in the relationship, and the wives are subservient and dependent on him.

Polyamory is the practice of engaging in intimate relationships with more than one partner. There are no inherent rules or roles because every polyamorous relationship is…



Elle Beau ❇︎
Sensual: An Erotic Life

Social scientist dispelling cultural myths with research-driven stories. "Thinking is difficult, that’s why most people judge." ~ Carl Jung