
You draw me in with an effortless grace

Jupiter Grant
Sensual: An Erotic Life


Photo by Ashley Knedler on Unsplash

Your moves
are smooth.
You draw me in with an effortless grace.
Your face.
Those eyes.
It’s no surprise
that I feel myself falling,
like my soul is calling
to yours,
like I’ve known you before.

Your kiss
is bliss.
Your lips are warm, and edible,
and it’s incredible
how you make my insides sing;
how you bring
me to my knees
even while I’m still upright
and standing,
with a kiss at once demanding
but also inquiring,
and I find myself desiring
to be held in your arms,
to give in to your charms
and surrender all I am to your powers,
like the petals on flowers
coaxed open by the sun’s heat.

My heart skips a beat
when your fingers
traipse and then linger
on the small of my back —…



Jupiter Grant
Sensual: An Erotic Life

Writer, Poet, Narrator, Freelancer. Living in UK & my own head. Send queries here: Buy me a coffee here: