So You Say You’re an Oral Sex Connoisseur?

Maybe you are but maybe I am not interested

Zara Everly
Sensual: An Erotic Life


Photo by Jacob Norrie on Unsplash

It’s a truth universally (un)acknowledged that a woman who states that she is not a huge fan of receiving oral sex (or that she simply likes other acts better) will be met by a man who explains that she just hasn’t met the “right” man yet.

As if pussy licking ability is the main factor in a man being “right”!

It is probably also a truth universally (un)acknowledged that a man who insists he knows a woman’s body better than she does, that her lover(s) is “wrong,” and that she is missing out on something is almost assuredly a fairly lousy lay.

Why? Well, he is already showing himself incapable of listening and respecting a woman’s articulation of her knowledge of her body.

Since it is her body, she just may know what she is talking about.

I know a lot of women love oral sex.

For some, it is the only way they can orgasm. I know some women have a hard time orgasming. Some rarely orgasm at all. Some women don’t like any kind of penetration at all and don’t orgasm that way at all.

I believe them. It’s their bodies. Not all women are alike.



Zara Everly
Sensual: An Erotic Life

Academic who occasionally forays into literary harlotry.