The Hotwife Rides Again

A poem

Keeva Black
Sensual: An Erotic Life


Via 1866946 on Pixabay

“I love you, doll,” he says one last time,
Knowing he is on his way to do what he does best,
In some countries, it’d be illegal,
Punishable by death.

To sleep with another man’s wife,
But, this is no affair.
Not even a little…bitty…bit.

She waits blindfolded and hungry —
For another man’s cock.
One she will suck, ride and worship.

He will pull her hair,
And use her wet holes however he pleases,
An Outside would find it hard to believe, she’s in charge.

He is merely a minor character,
In this twisted love story.

Her prince is not the man inside of her,
But rather,
He waits at home for her blessed return.

As she walks down the hall, high heels in hand,
He will beckon her to his side.
Where a hand up her dress will find no panties.
Only wetness where another man has been.

In a feral manner, he’ll bend her over his desk,
And reclaim what is his.
The buildup, the suspense, the grand finale —
Is the ending to this charade.

A Bull has done his duty,
A Hot Wife got her fill,
A Husband fully satisfied,

Until the Hotwife rides again.

© Keeva Black, 2021. All right reserved.

