’Twas The Day Of Harvest End

an erotic poem

Zachary Phillips
Sensual: An Erotic Life
2 min readAug 9, 2021


’Twas the day of Harvest End,
And the festival was in town.
Liquor and laughter ran free
And all sorts of debauchery abound.

The young and the fun
They played a curious game.
If you catch and kiss a maiden,
She’s yours that night to tame.

The girls would run from the ugly,
Avoiding them at all cost.
But when the studs gave them chase
They’d fall and pretend to be lost.

The older women played it differently,
They gathered in curious groups.
Trapping a prospective man,
Then together tying him in loops.

Bound and gagged,
The man pretended to struggle.
A big smile forming under his face,
As he began the first cuddle.

The wisdom of experience
Caused the women to learn.
To only trap a man of great stamina,
If each was to get a turn.



Zachary Phillips
Sensual: An Erotic Life

Intuitive Guide. Poet. Shadow Hunter. Coach. I help entrepreneurs navigate dark nights of the soul & find peace.