What Do Glow in the Dark Dots, High Heels, and Women Walking on Treadmills Reveal About Men?

It’s all in the strut, baby

Judy Walker
Sensual: An Erotic Life


Women’s legs in fishnet stockings and black and white stilettos in front of a red background.
Photo by Rodolfo Clix in Pexels

“I knew I’d find something here,” I overheard a woman’s voice. “I absolutely must have them.”

I turned to locate the owner of the voice and saw a well-dressed, slim, middle-aged woman accompanied by an equally attractive man. She was excitedly pointing inside a glass curio cabinet that housed a pair of vintage, leopard-patterned shoes sporting at least a 5-inch heel.

My partner and I were meandering the isles of the Antique Mall when I touched his forearm and directed his attention to the couple.

The man returned with a clerk who unlocked the cabinet. The woman pulled off her black, high-heeled boots and with muted effort, slipped her bare feet into the sky-scraper stilettos. “I’m a strong woman,” she said.

I assumed she was referring to her ability to walk in stilettos. She proceeded to model them for her man and the clerk using the aisle as a catwalk.

I must admit, she was the epitome of sexy with her leather-clad stems growing out of the vintage stilettos. I’m also assuming that if her feet could talk, they’d likely protest at being subjected to the torture that accompanies being squeezed into an area half their…



Judy Walker
Sensual: An Erotic Life

Curiosity led. Relationship fed. Writing about the gritty, lovely, naughty, and joyful bits of humanhood. jituska.jw@gmail.com