Wind and Unwind

Don’t shower b4 I get there. Promise. Am serious

Jupiter Grant
Sensual: An Erotic Life


Photo by Kristina Stepanidenko on Unsplash

I haven’t had time to think lately. To relax. To close my eyes, and exhale. So when my phone buzzed to life all of a sudden, I confess that I swore and muttered, “Oh, not now.

Even when I saw that it was him. The one I am crazy about. The only one who really ever manages to calm me down and keep me sane, if only for an hour or two.

A text: Bet ur still working. u eaten today, naughty girl? En route, with food and wine

It was just gone 7.30pm, and I hadn’t even showered today. God knows how many weeks (or is it months?) since my legs last saw a razor. I know he’s never been remotely bothered by any amount of hair on my legs, armpits, or pussy. But wrapping hirsute and mannish legs around him always feels like an insult, especially when he makes the effort to be clean-shaven before he runs that delicious mouth of his over my body.

So I responded to his message with oh no! Lost track of time. Am gross. Not showered. Still in ystrdys pants!!

Within seconds, his reply arrived. Excellent. Always enjoy it when ur filthy

I smirked to myself, as another message pinged onto my phone immediately.



Jupiter Grant
Sensual: An Erotic Life

Writer, Poet, Narrator, Freelancer. Living in UK & my own head. Send queries here: Buy me a coffee here: