You Still Got It

To my alter ego

ezer agyin
Sensual: An Erotic Life
2 min readNov 9, 2020


In Our Solitude by John Holyfield downloaded from the black art depot

Stories I can tell you about yourself will make you purr
You’re bumpy, but I like it rough when I trace your curves
Beauty needs guts, don’t tummy train your curves
Walk to me, my music is the chimes radiating from your pearls
Talk to me, it’s lucid when you charm me, you’re my curse
Chocolates don’t need to be touched, let me taste your tales

Black magic

Your silence is a blank cartridge
You took your shot, now I’m on my knee protesting my love
You took my ring, now I’m on my touch downs, kaepernicking
Your lip is my addiction, flavoring kisses, do you want to be called mine or Mrs?

Mine is no gimmick
Mrs is as real as can’t be mimicked
You can’t be mimicked

Effortless is why I love you endless
No energy dispensed into the universe when my love is your fragrance
You own it. You own me as a whole to settle for ratios
You don’t need to show them your bold
Black ring states clear there’s no turning back from my hold
I put you in words and we create the awe, they must call you poetry
You’re shakespearean on your worse day, enigmatic on a good day, yet your best is untested
A masterpiece that can’t be mastered

You still got it girl

Your imperfections are your best assets, on this road you need not package them well
A living art, private exhibitions is for my sapiophile
No time galavanting on IG when you’re picture perfect under the scope of five hundred and seventy six megapixels
Picture perfect in a god eye, Eros couldn’t shoot his arrow when he had you bullseye

I judge your worth on the pedestal of Aphrodite and Athena, don’t settle for less

Don’t settle for less when you’ve had the best
For the sun will set, the moon will fade and the stars will burn into oblivion, but you my love, you still got it



ezer agyin
Sensual: An Erotic Life

I live under the spell of the third house. Possessed, and cannot be saved.