SensualCams.Live ($SCL) Tokenomics

Baby Wipes
Published in
2 min readMay 7, 2021

You’ve probably read this before but you can’t stop us from telling you that SensualCams.Live ($SCL) is bringing live cams to the Binance Smart Chain.

You know what else we want to tell you? Hint: it’s in the title.

That’s right! We’re here to tell you about $SCL’s Tokenomics!

We initially planned to have a total supply of 1,000,000,000,000,000 tokens. After all, this is the trend now, right? We don’t know who started this but almost all coins with Safe, Fair, Moon, Elon, Doge, etc. on their names have 1,000,000,000,000,000 tokens. This type of shit has gone viral!

Then we realized that not all that’s gone viral is good. Covid is viral. STD is viral. Shitcoins, rugpulls, and scams have spread in the world of cryptocurrency. We don’t want $SCL to be viewed as a shitcoin. This project is real. No shitcoin, no rugpull, no scam. Promise. :)

Anyway here’s a summary of our Tokenomics:

Total Supply: 10,000,000,000 $SCL

The $SCL tokens are divided into the following:

Presale: 20% or 2,000,000,000 $SCL

All unsold tokens will be castrated (in crypto-speak it means tokens will be burned).

Liquidity Pool: 60% or 6,000,000,000 $SCL.

The Liquidity will not be locked so we can rugpull anytime. Sounds good? No? Okay then we will lock the Liquidity pool to show that the project is rugproof.

Team: 5% or 500,000,000 $SCL

Okay so this is what we will use for rugpull. This will be locked and vested for 12 months. Wait what? How can we rugpull then? The answer is we can’t. Within 12 months we will prove to you that this project is worthy of your investment. Where else can you gain money and have fun watching live cams?

Foundation: 10% or 1,000,000,000 $SCL

This is divided into the following:

5% or 500,000,000 $SCL for Airdrops. Yes we will splash $SCL tokens into your faces. Just stay tuned to to our social media channels if you want a facial.

1% or 100,000,000 $SCL. This is our Development Fund. We will continue to make improvements on the platform.

4% or 400,000,000 $SCL. There is no use for this fund. We will simply burn this over the next 12 months. It’s fun to burn tokens, right?

Marketing: 5% or 500,000,000 $SCL.

We will use this to promote or advertise $SCL. We will also use this fund for partnerships. We need partners, you know?

Deflationary Token Model:

There’s a 7% fee for each transaction. This is split in two ways:

3.5% gets redistributed to all existing holders. You gain more tokens as long as you keep holding.

3.5% gets added to the liquidity pool. Half of this is sold into BNB then paired with the other half and added to the LP.

That’s it! Now please read the Risk Warning below.

Risk Warning: Investing and/or trading in cryptocurrencies carries substantial risks and may not be suited for every person. We encourage you to do your own research before making any cryptocurrency purchase. SensualCams.Live ($SCL) will not be responsible for any loss arising from the purchase of $SCL tokens.

