Gaming for the Future “EVP”

Some background
Published in
5 min readApr 8, 2018


Imagine if you could prospect on the feelings of the world. Imagine if there was a game where you could say if sentiments are going to rise or fall in relation to any one of a thousand ideas. Imagine then if this game was built using the same technology as cryptocurrencies and you were using EMOT — the next digital prediction money. Intrigued?

The game — known as Emotion Volatility Prediction or more snappily EVP — follows the structure of traditional binary options. What does this mean? Well, for the uninitiated, it is a financial option. A binary option is where the payoff is with some fixed amount or nothing at all. The two types of binary option are cash-or-nothing and asset-or-nothing. EVP lies in a strange and disruptive middle ground of EMOT-or-nothing.

In short, there is no fiat currency nor asset involved. Instead, there is the token EMOT — held in the EMOT vault. The platform offers hashtag listings that you can stake on with EMOT and then you get a payout — or not. In the bookies this would be the equivalent of backing a horse to win — and getting nothing if it doesn’t. In the casino it is about betting of black — and hoping white doesn’t come up. There are two options — it is about backing the emotional sentiment of an event/topic to improve (rise) or deteriorate (fall) on social media. If you back rise and it rises you get a payout on your stake. If the emotion falls then you don’t. Simple as that.

How do we know if emotions are rising or falling? Well, we use Graph Index movements that map out the sentiments expressed on Twitter using hashtags. A Twitter hashtag represents an event or topic for a crowd network of people to share information, dialog, and generally express their opinions. When a community on Twitter participates in a hashtag, every tweet expresses a positive or negative emotion. For Sentigraph’s EVP, the more negative tweets in a hashtag, the higher the sentiments will rise. If the number of positive tweets increases, then the sentiment falls, which is represented in the gi (graph index). Some listings will always be popular and always have a high gi because of the strong presence of an institution or idea on Twitter. However, this still might not be a great speculation — as the line of the graph index must strictly rise and strictly fall to get a payout on your EMOT stake. An idea might be popular but is it as popular as it was yesterday?

EVP is a part of the Sentigraph dApp. To play you need an account with Sentigraph. With this account you get access to the EVP game — but you also get access to the Vault, charts to help you monitor gi movements and trends, your wallet for deposits, withdrawals and your balance, your history of prediction and transaction, notices and announcements and a Troll box.

The EMOT is the token of choice to play the game. The Vault contains all unsold EMOT from the initial coin offering. No token is burned, instead it is recycled back into the Vault — meaning a consistent supply and demand — acting pretty much like a bank that circulates the token around the dApp.

Currently, to buy EMOT tokens from the Vault, you will need to use BTC or ETH — although we predict this will change once interest in EVP rockets. The amount you pay for EMOT depends on the price at the time and the number of EMOT you need for a stake is down to your confidence in the position you are taking. Your payout will be proportionate to your original stake — like in all good stakes.

How does the game work?

It will feel a little like the stock market in some ways. There will be a starting price and closing price — well — a starting point for the emotional sentiment to an idea as signalled by Twitter. At the end of the day there will be a closing point for this sentiment. This will either be higher or lower than before. You select the hashtag listing of your choice — whether from politics, entertainment, sports, business — and then you predict the movement of the graph — or the up and down sentiment in relation to that listing.

Let’s break this down into steps:

There will be a Start of Day (SoD) listing with related sentiments (gi)s.

You will have an hour to favour a direction — up or down — for the sentiment on that listing. You indicate your position and you offer a stake using EMOT.

At the End of Hour (EoH) the game will report the total ups and downs and the total of EMOT tokens played by all players — this will give a hint to the potential pay-out you might enjoy.

The player then waits until the End of Day (EoD) when the system will compute the rise and fall of sentiment using hashtags.

If you are correct in your prediction, the system will pay you your winnings. The losers get nothing.

The system starts again the next day with the SoD mirroring the EoD of the previous day.

Pretty straightforward — if you are in touch with the world and understand what will be popular in anyone day or not.

How do you place a stake?

First, you will need to do your research — or use your gut instinct — whichever serves you best through life. Purchase your EMOT from the Vault and have them ready and waiting in your personal wallet on the Sentigraph site. Select the hashtags listings you are interested in, view the gi related to that listing and then set your stake — saying how much you want to play on a rise or a fall — you have an hour to play. It’s worth being aware that there is a 2% transaction charge each time you play.

If you win you get your initial stake back plus your winnings. The smart contract that runs the game automatically calculates your winnings and rewards you — so you don’t need to worry about claiming your EMOT pay-out. The value that varies each day — like the odds at a bookie — is how many EMOT tokens are available from losing stakes. This makes sense. Think about it: if there are few losing plays then the stake you put down was low risk — so the pay-out needs to be proportional to the likelihood of you being right. If you are the only person in the world who is right — then you deserve a huge payout from the losing positions placed. Remember though — the higher your stake — the higher your proportion of the EMOT tokens available from the losing stakes.

There are no hidden fees in the game — just the transaction charge. And, the rise and fall are strictly observed — there is no room for interpretation — just look at the entry and exit spot and see if the graph index gi has risen or fallen within a day. It is as binary as all that!

Whitepaper: http://[Suspicious link removed]/sentigraph



Sentigraph is a system that provides predictive insights aimed at improving future events based on emotion data obtained by analyzing users’ reactions in a give