Industries that can benefit from the Sentigraph Platform
Published in
4 min readMar 31, 2018


Sentigraph is a prediction-based system that uses Artificial Intelligence and blockchain to improve subsequent circumstances. This will be done with emotion or sentiment data that is gotten from the analysis of reactions of users in a particular event. Sentigraph will use Twitter hashtags for now, but their plan is to incorporate other social media platforms in the future. We’ll now discuss the industries that can benefit from this amazing platform.

Businesses with Customer Service

If there is dissatisfaction about a particular thing, users of S3Pulse can notice this and positively react before more dissatisfaction spreads. This is particularly useful for “business to customer” (B2C) organizations like hotels. It is also very useful for businesses such as diners that are reviewed using services like Yelp. If your business relies on (positive) reviews to thrive, then it’s important to be abreast with the feelings customers have towards your business or brand. A hotel like the Hilton can make use of S3Pulse to find out just exactly what customers think of their services during their stay. All that has to be done is that the customer downloads the Hilton mobile app as soon as he/she checks in. This app will have the S3Pulse microservice that will look at what the customers are saying about the hotel on the app or on other social media platforms. This will then be relayed to the brand team where customer behavior can be analyzed. All these will result in the hotel knowing what or where to improve.

Corporate Communications, Search Engine Strategies and Public Relations

Brand perception is particularly vital in the public relations and corporate communications world. When looking for keywords for PR professionals, sentiment analysis can be quite useful. As well as combing through the thoughts of the general public, influencers and thought leaders discussing their brand can be located.

With the help of sentiment analysis tools, PR professionals can build relationships using the positive discussions influencers are having of their brand.

Let’s use Pepsi as an example. They can follow interactions of influencers and thought leaders on social media to know what people actually think of their brand. The tools can also help the PR team create insights that are actionable. These insights will provide what keywords to follow or leverage for organic/inorganic SEO strategies.

Election/Voting Processes

To ensure that better decisions are made during campaigns, campaign officers will require minable data showing sentiments of voters. With the help of sentiment analysis through Sentigraph, this is possible. Campaign managers can build voter confidence by using the information provided by influencers saying positive things about their candidate. What this means is that Sentigraph’s ability to isolate fake sentiments is an advantage for the platform. After gauging social media data, the tool could perform an offline analysis of particular keywords. A keywords/rules engine can be designed to provide users with the ability to isolate false sentiments from genuine customer behavior.

The Stock Market

With Sentigraph, investors can be provided with financial sentiment analysis that will enable them to discover and react to opinions of the market. S3Pulse can analyze the aggregate sentiment on social media platforms while leveraging inbuilt models and attributes in the platform.

With the help of the sentiment, customers — ranging from one to multiple — can predict market behavior. For example, this complex model can be able to analyze tweets concerning Nokia stock and determine the kind of sentiments that are in the tweets. These sentiments on Twitter should reflect in a company’s stock price.

Security and Crime

When opinion mining is used for data, social media platforms have the ability to show incredible insights. Past research has shown that GPS-tagged Twitter data has the ability to predict future crimes in popular cities.

Social media’s evolution enables speedy communication of information and events. It should be known that some of these events and information are relevant to law enforcement. For instance, a passerby might have witnessed a crime first-hand. He might have even taped it and put it on Twitter. If he posts it on time, the police might get there on time. To this effect, Sentigraph can ensure that real-time analysis can be provided to law enforcement. Here, sentiment index that can be able to provide user sentiment and the exact location of the occurrence will be used.


The world is changing and only the forward-thinking are changing with it. Luckily for us, Sentigraph is moving with the tides. This platform plans to be a game changer and we can all see why and how that’s definitely possible.



Sentigraph is a system that provides predictive insights aimed at improving future events based on emotion data obtained by analyzing users’ reactions in a give