Our new website is unbelievably fast, here is how we did it

Pedro Kostelec
Sentinel Engineering
10 min readMar 30, 2016

We all hate slow websites and waiting for the loading bar to progress. Over the past 5 years the weight of the average web page has more than doubled, and the average web page today is over 2 MB. Waiting for a 2 MB website to download on a 3G network is going to take awhile.

Why aren’t websites slimmer and faster? Page speed affects many metrics like bounce rate, search ranking, conversion, page views and revenue. Many companies have already reported on their successes following a reduction of web-developmentpage load time. For example, a single second increase in page load times could cost Amazon $1.6 Billion in Sales. For Walmart, each second of improvement resulted in an increase of up to 2% in conversions and 10% growth in incremental revenue. Instagram decreased their response size and their impression and scroll metrics went up. According to KISSmetrics, 40% of people abandon a website that takes more than 3 seconds to load. I think the rest of the web just needs to catch up.

Waiting for slow web pages to load is as stressful as watching a horror movie.

Slow websites adversely affect visitors as well. Ericsson has recently run a study to measure the impact of page loading delay on visitor stress levels. They observed that the level of stress caused by mobile delays is comparable to watching a horror movie.

According to the Ericsson mobility report from February 2016, waiting for a website to load can be as stressful as watching a horror movie.

At Sentinel we care a lot about stress. Our core product is a babysitter for yachts that tells you exactly what is going on with your boat. At any time, you can access vital information about your boat using your smartphone. We do this so that you can stay confident that your boat is safe. Instead of worrying, you can enjoy your time with family or focus on your business trip.

Hence, when we were creating our new website from the ground up, we could not neglect the page speed metric. To measure page speed we used Google’s PageSpeed test which scores page speed up to 100. Our aim was to score at least 85. We believed this would also bring the website load times to around 1 second on a fast mobile network. A 1 second response time is just fast enough to keep the visitor’s flow of thought seamless. Intuitively, we assumed that to keep your stress levels low you need an uninterrupted flow of thought.

The 98/100 page speed score

We have exceeded the goal score of 85 and reached a whooping 98. It took some effort to get there, but the end result is that our new website displays in just over 1 second.

Watch the following video which compares page speed between our website and Techcrunch. Our website is ready before Techcrunch puts the first pixel on the screen.

Our website (left) is ready before TechCrunch (right) has the time to even say “Hi”

In the video above the page request originated from Dallas, VA. Like our target market, our servers are in Europe. This means that a long round-trip time was slowing page loading down. For a European visitor, it takes less than 2.4 seconds on the first view and less than 600 ms on repeat views.

The rest of this post explains how we’ve achieved this high score.

Fun fact: when improving our website we have also sped up two dozen other websites.

Make the server do less work

When you enter an URL into your browser’s address bar you are asking a computer far-away to respond. The response should contain text, images and stylesheets needed to display the page.

Transferring this content back to your computer takes some amount of time. Sending more and larger files takes longer. The browser needs at least part of this material before it can display anything to the user. To speed things up the server should send fewer and smaller files.

There are several ways to achieve this, without changing the content on the website.

Browser Caching allows the server to avoid sending cached files on repeat page views. After you visit a website, the browser can remember the files needed to display it. The next time you visit the same website, the browser can return the cached files. This avoids downloading the same content once more. But if the files were cached forever, you could end up with outdated pages. Imagine reading a news website with old news. To prevent this, cached files usually have an expiry date. When the cached file expires, it must be re-downloaded from the server.

The following configuration sets the expiry date for files to 1 week in the Apache 2.2 web server.

<IfModule mod_expires.c>
‪ <FilesMatch “\.(jpe?g|png|gif|js|css)$”>
ExpiresActive On
ExpiresDefault “access plus 1 week”

Compression is another complementary method to speed up page load. A compressed file is generally smaller than its original file. Best of all, your browser is able to transparently decompress files before displaying them. We configured our server to compress the material before sending it to you. This reduced the file size (and hence download time) of scripts and stylesheets by up to 4x. We did this with the following snippet of configuration:

<IfModule mod_deflate.c>
<IfModule mod_setenvif.c>
<IfModule mod_headers.c>
SetEnvIfNoCase ^(Accept-EncodXng|X-cept-Encoding|X{15}|~{15}|-{15})$ ^((gzip|deflate)\s*,?\s*)+|[X~-]{4,13}$ HAVE_Accept-Encoding
RequestHeader append Accept-Encoding "gzip,deflate" env=HAVE_Accept-Encoding
<Directory “/var/www/www.sentinelmarine.net">
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/plain text/xml text/css text/javascript application/javascript application/x-javascript

Activating GZIP compression and enabling browser caching allowed our servers to do less work. For the user this means that the website renders faster. In our case, up to 3x faster.

Our website is hosted on a shared host, home to two dozens websites. As we improved our configuration we noticed that the other websites were misconfigured too. After reconfiguring them, they have all gained around 20 points on the SpeedTest, on average.

Prioritizing what to display first

Today, websites are 2 MB in weight on average. But page weight is not the only nor the primary factor leading to perceived page slowness. In my opinion, the most important important metric for responsiveness is the time it takes to render the first pixel on screen. In the video above we saw that our website starts rendering in 1.1 seconds. In contrast, TechCrunch takes 3 seconds to show the first pixel on screen. That is 1.9 seconds later than ours.

Our new website starts rendering in 1.1 seconds, 1.9 seconds faster than TechCrunch.

Sometimes websites load fast, but scrolling is lagging for several more seconds. This is the case for Techcrunch, where the first screen loads quickly. But instead of becoming responsive, the page starts making space for videos and advertisement. During this process several scripts download and execute. Changes to the layout force the browser to redraw the entire screen, several times.

Once rendered our website does not change. Observe how TechCrunch makes several layout changes.

We tried to avoid this the best we could. On our new website, Javascript makes few changes to the layout. Scripts only add the required cookies directive to conform with EU law. Everything else stays unmodified, which makes the website responsive to scroll events earlier.

How to render content earlier and become responsive faster

To achieve the results from the previous sections we have made the following optimizations:

  • Avoid Javascript that blocks rendering
  • Concatenate JS and CSS files
  • Remove all the unused CSS rules
  • Render above-the-fold part of the page faster by inlining critical CSS.
  • Compress images
  • Minify CSS/JS/HTML files
  • Whenever possible specify image sizes

For many years it was considered best practice to place the scripts after the <head> tag. Unfortunately, such scripts often block rendering. Before the browser can start rendering the content on screen it needs to build the DOM tree. During this process the browser downloads and executes all scripts it encounters. Only then can it continue parsing the HTML. Today experts recommend loading scripts asynchronously, or placing them before the </body> tag. If a script loads asynchronously, it doesn’t block the parsing of the HTML. On our website we used the HTML `async` attribute on external scripts, like so:

<script src=”/javascripts/all-682cf9de.js” async></script>

Asynchronous scripts are not guaranteed to execute in the order specified in the HTML . Instead, they execute as soon as they download. Alas, scripts usually need to run in some specific order. To remedy this, we concatenate them to a single file. This also reduces the number of HTTP requests, which further shortens the total download time.

The same rules apply to stylesheets, which define the style and layout of the page. By nature, stylesheets must be loaded before the page renders. The browser blocks rendering until all external stylesheets are downloaded and parsed. We were able to avoid loading external stylesheets to render the above-the-fold part of the page by inlining the critical styles. For this, we used a tool called Critical. The remaining styles were concatenated into a single file and are loaded asynchronously. Finally, we also eliminated unused CSS rules with a tool called uncss. This reduced the file size of the stylesheets to about one third of their original size.

Optimizing the delivery of scripts and stylesheets has allowed us to avoid blocking the rendering of the page. This has significantly reduced the time it takes to render the first pixel on screen.

Next, we have eliminated unnecessary browser repaints. Repaint and relayout events occur when the dimensions and position of elements on the page change. On the TechCrunch website layout changes make scrolling unresponsive for several seconds. In static websites the most common reason for this are images which don’t have their size defined. Because their size is not defined, the browser is unable to reserve space for them on the page. As they load, they start taking space, causing the rest of the content on the page to shift. To avoid this we have specified the target dimension of each image in the HTML whenever possible.

<img alt="Boat Monitor" width="92" height="92" src="/images/ic_boat_monitor-033c7e76.png">

Finally, we also compressed the images and minified CSS, Javascript and HTML files to reduce the weight of the page.

All the above sounds like a lot of work. Thankfully, over the past years the tooling for web development has become more advanced. Today, tools like Middleman and Gulp help us automate a lot of work. We automated most of the optimizations explained above, including compressing Javascript, stripping unused CSS, inlininig the above-the-fold CSS rules, loading stylesheets asynchronously and compressing images. The only optimization we have done manually was to resize the images to fit into their target area. If we wanted, we could even automate this one.

Faster page transitions

Our website now loads in less than 3 seconds in the first view, and less than 600 ms on repeat views. However, most users don’t visit one page and then leave the website. Instead they spend some time browsing the site and consuming several pages of content.

Fast and intuitive navigation is just as important as the initial page load performance. We knew that we could make page transitions much faster than a fresh visit, and so we did.

The authors of the Ruby on Rails framework have built a solution for this. To speed up Rails apps they built Turbolinks, a small Javascript library. Turbolinks makes server rendered apps feel as fast as Single Page Applications. Their documentation explains how it works:

When you follow a link, Turbolinks automatically fetches the page, swaps in its <body>, and merges its <head>, all without incurring the cost of a full page load.

With Turbolinks document.onload events are no longer fired on page transitions. We had to make some minor adjustments to our scripts for them to work with Turbolinks. The changes needed are well documented on their website.

The end result is that page transitions have in most cases become instantaneous.

The remaining 2 points

What is keeping us from reaching a perfect score? Things beyond our control. We rely on Google Analytics to measure the number of visitors, and ISLOnline for chat support. These services rely on external Javascript files which are only cached for a short amount of time. While we could opt out of them their value is too high. And after all, 2 points is just 2 points. We were already happy with the new speed of our website.

Google’ PageSpeed test provides several guidelines to make a website fast. But the story does not end there. Other tools suggest further improvements. For example, the WebPageTest revealed that Keep Alive is disabled on our server. We know we have more room for improvement. We could group smaller images into so called sprites to reduce the number of HTTP requests. We could also serve assets from a cookie-less domain and consider using a Content Delivery Network to deliver our website fast everywhere. The list of possible optimizations never seems to end, but at some point we had to say enough. Moreover, we had already exceeded our goal.

The aim of making our website fast was to make it more enjoyable to use. Reducing bounce rate and increasing the number of visits are the consequences of this. In the introduction we cited the Ericsson mobility report which correlates stress with loading delays. By speeding up our website, we’ve helped our visitors stay cool.

Our new site is now live at www.sentinelmarine.net. Click the link to learn about our products. There is no waiting for it to load. Enjoy it, stay cool!

If you don’t want to click, here is a screenshot of the home page:

The new, redesigned and refreshed website for Sentinel Marine Solutions, at www.sentinelmarine.net

If you want others to see this, please hit the ❤!

Pedro Kostelec is co-founder and CTO of Sentinel Marine Solutions. His company's mission is to help you protect your boat or fleet.



Pedro Kostelec
Sentinel Engineering

Co-founder and CTO of Sentinel Marine Solutions, Artificial Intelligence graduate from Imperial College London