Agriculture monitoring based on continuous satellite imagery

Sentinel Hub Blog
Published in
1 min readJun 1, 2016
Irrigation fields along the banks of the Orange River

Satellite imagery is revolutionising agriculture and can help farmers and public authorities take land monitoring to a new level. Our imagery infrastructure takes care of all the complexity of handling a satellite imagery archive and makes it available for end-users via easy-to-integrate web services.

Monitoring of crop conditions, soil properties and mapping tillage activities, help to assess land use, predict harvests, monitor seasonal changes and assist in implementing policy for sustainable development. Sentinel data can also be used for monitoring the changes of agricultural production and productivity of pastures caused by drought and monitoring the decline of land productivity and soil degradation due to excessive cultivation and pasturage and improper irrigation.

In the animation below you can see the pivot-centre irrigation fields along the banks of the Orange River, on the border between Namibia and the Republic of South Africa.

See a larger version.

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