Come and meet us at the upcoming events

Sentinel Hub Blog
Published in
4 min readSep 1, 2017

We would love to meet you in person! Over the next few months we will attend a variety of different events across the world. If you have an opportunity to attend as well, we would be keen to find out more about your needs and how we can help you.

EU-Japan Support Mission in the Space Sector “Link & Launch”

6–7 September 2017, Tokyo and Hokkaido, Japan

The events will cover discussions about the future vision in the Space Industry and present the case studies of programmes which are offered to the public to promote further entry to the downstream application sector. Grega Milcinski, CEO at Sinergise will attend the morning roundtable on September 6 and present our cloud-powered satellite imagery processing tools at the afternoon’s Space Industry Symposium (see program here). Both will be held in Tokyo, while the workshop on September 7 will be held in Sapporo, Hokkaido.

EnviroInfo Conference

13–15 September 2017, Luxembourg

The EnviroInfo 2017 is the 31st edition of the long standing and established international and interdisciplinary conference series on leading environmental information and communication technologies. We will present the usefulness of the Sentinel Hub services and the possibilities offered by open access to satellite data which benefits numerous sectors — environmental and land-change monitoring, natural disaster response, agriculture and others. See the program here.

Learning Network Meeting

14–15 September 2017, Vilnius, Lithuania

We gladly accepted the invitation to a “Learning Network meeting” for directors of Paying Agencies and coordinating bodies. Our presentation will be focused on the use of the Sentinel Hub services for future IACS simplification. You can also find out more about the use of Sentinel satellite imagery for IACS controls in one of our previous blogs.

EO Open Science 2017 Conference

25–28 September 2017, ESRIN, Frascati, Italy

The third consultation meeting of EO Open Science organized by ESA will explore new challenges and opportunities for EO research created by the rapid advances in Information and Communications Technologies (ICT). Beside meeting several of the Sentinel Hub team members, we kindly invite you to our keynote in Data Analitics, “Detecting clouds in a cloud environment — finding a fast and accurate cloud detection to run on Sentinel Hub cloud, which will be held on September 25. Click here for the program overview.

International Astronautical Congress

25–29 September 2017, Adelaide, Australia

As the world’s largest space conference, every year the International Astronautical Congress (IAC) brings together leaders in space from across the globe — heads of major space agencies, astronauts, senior space engineers and policy makers.

Grega will be participating at the roundtable about Big Space Data (Plenary 8: From Up There to Down Here Big Space Data Driving Sustainable Development and Economic Growth on Earth, see program)

Earth on Amazon Conference

19 October 2017, Colorado

Earth on AWS event titled Global Environmental Change Science, Last-Mile Research, and Cloud Computing, will be held at the University of Colorado. Join us at our presentation!

GEO Exhibition at the GEO Week 2017

23–26 October 2017, Washington, D.C.

While attending GEO Exhibition at the GEO Week in Washington this October, please come and talk to us at the European stand. We are happy to answer your questions and give a demonstration of our satellite imagery tools.

The GEO Week 2017, consisting of GEO-XIV Plenary, side events and exhibition, will highlight and promote the role, applications and opportunities to use Earth observations (EO) in delivering ‘Insight for a changing world’.

European Space Week

3–9 November 2017, Tallinn, Estonia

As 2016 Copernicus Masters winner we accepted the invitation from ESA to share our story and help announcing this years’ winners at the European Space Week in Tallinn. The event will foster interactions between the space and digital community and will provide visibility to the rapidly changing space sector, its applications and the European Union’s Space Programmes Copernicus and Galileo.

Agritechnica 2017

12–18 November 2017, Hanover, Germany

Don’t miss the chance to meet us at Agritechnica in November, where more will be reviled about our recent work.

International conferences and seminars at Agritechnica offer visitors an overview and exchange on the latest international developments and trends of agricultural machinery and equipment.

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