Open-source Python package for downloading Sentinel-2 products from AWS

Sentinel Hub Blog
Published in
2 min readJun 28, 2017

We have created an open-source Python package Sentinel Hub Tools with an intention to help users obtain required satellite products in a flexible and fast way.

In cooperation with Amazon we store Sentinel-2 products on AWS. These products are organised into tiles using the Military grid system. However, many use cases require users to obtain Sentinel-2 products in original data structure specified by ESA (i.e. .safe format). The main feature of the Sentinel Hub Tools is therefore a possibility to automatically download Sentinel-2 products from AWS and organise them into .safe format.

Structure of .safe format. (Credit: ESA)

With our package users can download data by specifying product id or name and date of the tile. It is suitable for those who would like to use it with command line and those who would like to include it in their own Python scripts. One of the advantages of using AWS for downloading data is also its speed.

The package is available at Sinergise site on GitHub together with the instructions and examples. It was also added to Python Package Index and can be downloaded using pip.

Sentinel Hub Tools on GitHub

According to demand we might add more tools to the package in the future. As usual with open-source projects, users’ contributions are more than welcome. We are looking forward to merge requests with tons of new and improved functionalities. In case you need any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are happy to help.

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