Sentinel Hub at the EO Cloud — Free Accounts for R&D Projects

Sentinel Hub Blog
Published in
3 min readMar 29, 2017

We have some good news for all the researchers and scientists out there. You can now get a free account for Sentinel Hub services to easily view, process and analyse vast amount of archive and fresh satellite imagery by using our Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) standard services.

The European Space Agency (ESA) has opened a call to provide 100 free accounts for R&D projects to OGC EO Interface Integration Service, which can be accessed up to March 2018, facilitates the access to free online optical data and allows their dynamic integration into higher level services.

Colour vision for Copernicus (Image credit: ESA)

This service provides users with an access to an EO Data Repository storing a long-term archive of optical EO data, constantly updated with fresh products from Sentinel and Landsat satellites. Depending on the service type requested, such direct access and related functionality (e.g. cropping, masking, band selection, band math…) allows to reduce the large storage volumes normally required for such data. Service also allows for integration in other process to provide instant, on-demand data.


Avoid the complexities of satellite data, projections, JP2 formats, resolutions and alike by integrating Sentinel Hub services. You simply configure the services to fit your purpose and get immediate access to the following datasets residing in the EO Cloud:

  • Sentinel-2 data (full global archive, in-sync with SciHub)
  • Sentinel-3 data (OLCI, global archive, in-sync with SciHub)
  • Landsat 5, 7 and 8 (ESA Archive, wider Europe region, in-sync with ESA distribution channel)
  • ENVISAT / MERIS (full global archive)

Sentinel Hub services

Your new free account will give you access to the following Sentinel Hub services:


With this unique offer, we give you the opportunity and even encourage you to build your own application on top of Sentinel Hub services. Check out the following links for more on what kind of applications can be built:

  • Sentinel Playground — quick viewer through Sentinel-2 data (source code for this app is available here)
  • EO Browser — view, analyse and compare Sentinel-2, Sentinel-3, Landsat 5, 7 and 8, Proba-V data (source code for this app is available here)
  • CropSat — variable map application for farmers in Denmark
Amsterdam, Netherlands (Acquired with Sentinel Playground)

Under ESA funding you can freely use the Sentinel Hub services for R&D, no commercial activity is allowed. Each individual account includes request volume limit of up to 200.000 requests per month. In case you would need additional volume, please contact us. Read more about terms and conditions for use here.

To get your free account submit a short proposal requesting the OGC EO Interface Integration Service at

Originally published at

