Sentinel Hub powering

Agriculture in the 21st century faces multiple challenges: it has to produce more food and fibre to feed a growing population. Due to increasing pressure on arable land a substantial need to improve efficiency in the farming sector has emerged.

Sentinel Hub Blog
Published in
2 min readSep 27, 2016


The Sentinel-2 mission represents a unique opportunity: its 10–20m spatial resolution, 5-day revisit frequency and its global coverage, offer new opportunities for regional to global agriculture monitoring and precision farming.

The Knowledge Centre for Agriculture and the Danish Pig Research Centre (SEGES) in cooperation with Swedisy company Dataväxt have prepared a web based application CropSAT, which helps farmers by providing NDVI values for fields in Denmark and correspondingly lets them know which areas of their fields need more work and fertiliser.

The Sentinel Hub Processing Engine provides CropSAT with the latest atmospherically corrected NDVI values for Denmark’s fields as soon as new satellite data becomes available. Data is clipped to areas where there are fields and only when it is of proper quality, skipping clouds and other anomalous areas. To further optimise usefulness and prevent problems with spill on and near parcel borders, the NDVI values get calculated only within the interior of the parcel and are then extrapolated to the boundary.

The normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) is useful in agriculture due to its ability to differentiate thriving plants from not so healthy ones.

NDVI values for fields lets farmers know which areas of their fields need more work and fertiliser. The yellow colour shows low bio-mass and the green high biomass.
This page shows details about nitrogen distribution.

The following SEGES video shows the system in use:

Originally published at

