Building Cyber Capacity at the Community Level: Insights from the Global Conference on Cyber Capacity Building (GC3B)

Sentinel Protocol Team
Sentinel Protocol
Published in
3 min readJan 9, 2024

Singapore, January 9th 2024 — Uppsala Security, a pioneer in advanced security solutions for Crypto Anti-Money Laundering/Counter-Terrorist Financing (AML/CTF), Transaction Risk Assessment, Regulatory Compliance, and Transaction Tracking, had the honor of participating in the 2023 edition of Global Conference on Cyber Capacity Building (GC3B) that took place on 29–30 November in Accra, Ghana. Representing Uppsala Security was Athul Harilal, Threat Intelligence R&D Manager, who took an active role in one of the panel discussions.

The Global Conference on Cyber Capacity Building (GC3B) is a premier event aimed at enhancing global digital expertise and collaboration towards a secure digital future. The conference gathers esteemed leaders and specialists to discuss “cyber resilience for development,” focusing on building cyber capacities vital for sustainable development and economic growth.

Organized by the Ministry of Communications and Digitalisation Ghana, the Global Forum on Cyber Expertise (GFCE), The World Bank, the CyberPeace Institute, the World Economic Forum, and the Cyber Security Authority of Ghana, the event brought together this year some of the brightest minds in the field of cybersecurity.

A Focus on Sustainable Cyber Capacity Building

Athul Harilal’s panel, organized by the GLACY+ project of INTERPOL and the Council of Europe, delved into sustainable cyber capacity building approaches for law enforcement at a grassroots level. Athul shared his insights, emphasizing the importance of local engagement in cyber defense strategies. He noted, “Active participation at the community level is not merely advantageous; it is imperative. By increasing our engagement at this fundamental level, we significantly enhance our collective cyber resilience. In the realm of digital security, we are only as robust as our most vulnerable point. United, we have the capacity to create an unbreakable system of cyber protection.” This statement underscores the necessity of inclusive and locally-tailored approaches to cybersecurity.

The panel featured an array of distinguished speakers, including Alexander Seger, Tatiana Cesario, Claudio Peguero, and Sevi Rodolphe Adjaigbe, with Dong Uk Kim serving as the moderator. Each brought unique perspectives and success stories from 2023, showcasing the progress and potential in the field of cybersecurity.

Image captured during the “Driving change from within: bottom-up approaches in criminal justice capacity building”, GC3B conference, Ghana

The conference wasn’t just a platform for discussions but also a convergence of ideas and experiences. Other esteemed speakers, such as representatives from the Minister of Communications and Digitalization of Ghana, U.S. Department of State, German Federal Foreign Office Berlin, INTERPOL, CyberPeace Institute, EU CyberNet, Mastercard, World Bank, ANATEL, Microsoft, Cyber Defense Africa, and many more, presented during the event, contributing to the rich tapestry of knowledge and learning about cybersecurity in our increasingly digital world.

Uppsala Security’s participation in the GC3B Conference is part of its broader commitment to enhancing security in the digital landscape. The company continues to pioneer initiatives that promote safer digital environments, demonstrating its dedication to not just advancing technology, but also to fostering a more secure digital future for everyone.

About Uppsala Security

Uppsala Security is a leading provider of innovative security tools and services, specializing in Crypto Anti-Money Laundering/Counter-Terrorist Financing (AML/CTF), Transaction Risk Management, Regulatory Compliance, and Transaction Tracking. With a team of experts dedicated to staying ahead of emerging threats, Uppsala Security empowers both end-users and organizations with the knowledge and tools to safeguard their operations in the fast-paced world of cryptocurrencies.

Uppsala Security is headquartered in Singapore, and has branch offices in Seoul, South Korea and Tokyo, Japan. You can follow Uppsala Security on Telegram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and Medium.



Sentinel Protocol Team
Sentinel Protocol

Operating on blockchain technology, Sentinel Protocol harnesses collective cyber security intelligence to protect crypto assets against hackers, scams and fraud