Reviving Heritage: Karaton Surakarta’s Historic Tales Brought to Life with Blockchain Technology, in Partnership with Uppsala Security

Sentinel Protocol Team
Sentinel Protocol
Published in
4 min readJan 31, 2024

Singapore, February 1st, 2024 — In an exciting initiative, Karaton Surakarta, a custodian of Indonesia’s rich cultural heritage, is embarking on a transformative journey to rejuvenate its history and legacy. This endeavor, powered by the Karaton Surakarta Digital Token $MA [MASA] on the Binance Smart Chain, aims to revitalize the ecosystem and economy of the region — a region that officially became a part of the Republic of Indonesia in 1945, now benefiting from the advantages of blockchain technology.

At the heart of this ambitious project lies the pursuit of data validity. In its inaugural year, the project has diligently focused on the collection, validation, and dissemination of long-lost stories. These narratives, meticulously verified, are being shared for educational and entertainment purposes. In 2023, the Karaton Surakarta official website and social media platforms were launched, providing a dedicated space for discussions, learning, and a profound appreciation of Karaton Surakarta’s illustrious history and the rich Javanese culture.

In 2024, Karaton Surakarta is set to embark on an exciting journey of brand building and expanding the reach of its storied heritage. The project’s upcoming milestones include DEX & CEX listings, real-world (RWA) assets and digital collectibles, events and exhibitions, XR (Extended Reality) museum exploration, cultural heritage experiences, Web3 gaming, and more. More details about the project can be found here.

Uppsala Security’s Role in the Karaton Surakarta Digital Ecosystem (DEKSA) Journey

Uppsala Security’s mission in the transformative journey of Karaton Surakarta and the MASA project is to provide regulatory and compliance tools in order to ensure the seamless implementation of the project. The primary responsibility is to ensure the integrity of the ecosystem, particularly in the areas of Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing (AML/CTF).

Kiky Shannon, Head of Sales, showcases Uppsala Security’s AML/CTF solutions at the soft launch event held in Bangsal Kasentanan on Saturday, January 20, 2024.

To achieve this, Uppsala Security will deploy advanced tools like the Crypto Analysis Risk Assessment (CARA) for bulk address analysis during presales. Additionally, the Crypto Threat Detection System (CTDS) will be used for periodic checks every 3–6 months, with the Crypto Analysis Transaction Visualization (CATV) tool being used for follow-ups on suspicious addresses. These tools, developed in-house by the experts at Uppsala Security, have already been effectively deployed to ensure compliance and facilitate successful investigations into malicious activities.

“Karaton Surakarta is setting a landmark precedent in how emerging technologies can be harnessed to preserve and revitalize cultural heritage. By embedding the rich history of Karaton Surakarta using blockchain technology, they are not only protecting these stories for future generations but also opening a new chapter in the realm of cultural preservation. Uppsala Security is excited to contribute its state-of-the-art regulatory and compliance tools to this noble cause, ensuring that the legacy of Karaton Surakarta is celebrated and safely implemented in the digital age.” said Kiky Shannon, Head of Sales, Uppsala Security.

As Karaton Surakarta’s historic tales merge seamlessly with the power of blockchain technology, this collaboration represents a significant step toward preserving the past and embracing the future thanks to groundbreaking technologies supporting decentralization and data immutability.

“As we embark on this groundbreaking journey to integrate blockchain technology with the rich history of Karaton Surakarta’s heritage, our vision is to bridge the past with the future. This initiative is not merely about preserving history; it’s about making our cultural heritage accessible and relevant to the digital age. We are delighted to partner with Uppsala Security, whose expertise in regulatory and compliance tools ensures that our digital endeavors are secure and trustworthy. Together, we are crafting a legacy that transcends time, ensuring that the stories of Karaton Surakarta continue to inspire and educate for generations to come.” — Dendiawan Hendarto, CEO of Creaton Studio, the project lead of the Karaton Surakarta Digital Ecosystem (DEKSA).

About Karaton Surakarta Digital Ecosystem (DEKSA)

DEKSA represents a vibrant digital platform born from the heart of Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat, designed to revive and share its timeless stories, values and wisdom. This initiative seamlessly blends traditional storytelling with modern digital technology, offering an unparalleled journey into Javanese culture.

About Uppsala Security

Uppsala Security is a leading provider of innovative security tools and services, specializing in Crypto Anti-Money Laundering/Counter-Terrorist Financing (AML/CTF), Transaction Risk Management, Regulatory Compliance, and Transaction Tracking. With a team of experts dedicated to staying ahead of emerging threats, Uppsala Security empowers both end-users and organizations with the knowledge and tools to safeguard their operations in the fast-paced world of cryptocurrencies.

Uppsala Security is headquartered in Singapore, and has branch offices in Seoul, South Korea. You can follow Uppsala Security on Telegram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and Medium.



Sentinel Protocol Team
Sentinel Protocol

Operating on blockchain technology, Sentinel Protocol harnesses collective cyber security intelligence to protect crypto assets against hackers, scams and fraud