Uppsala Security joined the Africa Cyber Surge II Operation, led by INTERPOL and AFRIPOL, in successfully tackling the cybercrime surge in Africa

Sentinel Protocol Team
Sentinel Protocol
Published in
3 min readSep 7, 2023

Singapore, September 7th 2023 — In an era marked by rapid digitalization and technological advancement, the threat of cybercrime has emerged as a global concern. Recent developments in the cybersecurity landscape underscore the urgent need for collaborative efforts between international law enforcement agencies, national authorities, and private sector partners. Uppsala Security, a state-of-the-art provider of award-winning security tools and services for Crypto AML/CTF, Transaction Risk Management, Regulatory Compliance and Transaction Tracking, has once again demonstrated its commitment to combating cyber threats by participating in a groundbreaking collaboration with esteemed organizations such as INTERPOL, AFRIPOL through projects like GLACY+ (Global Action on Cybercrime Extended), AFJOC (African Joint Operation against Cybercrime), ISPA (INTERPOL Support Program For African Union in relation to AFRIPOL) and others during the Africa Cyber Surge II operation that successfully concluded in early August.

The operation led by INTERPOL and AFRIPOL saw coordination across 25 African countries, resulting in the arrest of 14 suspected cybercriminals and the identification of a staggering 20,674 suspicious cyber networks. This operation shed light on the alarming escalation of digital and cyber threats within the region, prompting a united effort to address the pressing issue.

Uppsala Security’s Role in Africa Cyber Surge II

Uppsala Security, renowned for its innovative approach to blockchain analytics, was chosen as one of the private sector collaborators, alongside Group-IB, to provide hands-on operational assistance during the Africa Cyber Surge II operation, hosted in Tanzania. This strategic partnership brought together a diverse range of skilled professionals and organizations, demonstrating the power of collective action against cybercrime.

The four-month operation, initiated in April 2023, was dedicated to identifying cybercriminals and compromised infrastructure, a mission critical to enhancing cybersecurity in the region. Uppsala Security’s expertise added significant value to this endeavor, marking yet another milestone in their history of involvement in such initiatives.

At the heart of Uppsala Security’s contribution to the Africa Cyber Surge II operation were its proprietary blockchain analytical tools. These tools are specifically designed to tackle a myriad of malicious situations involving Web3 based digital assets. Uppsala Security’s assistance supported investigations related to cryptocurrency-driven offenses, focusing on transaction tracking and risk assessments.

In regards to Uppsala Security’s involvement in the investigation, two pivotal tools, Crypto Analysis Transaction Visualization (CATV) and Crypto Analysis Risk Assessment (CARA), played a central role in the hands-on investigation during the operation. These tools, when used in tandem, exhibited their capacity to trace the footsteps of malicious actors following the implementation of their criminal plans. The intricate capabilities of these tools offer a glimpse into the future of cybercrime prevention and tracking, highlighting the importance of technology in countering evolving threats — especially when the Web3 ecosystem is involved.

The Africa Cyber Surge II operation has led to the strengthening of cybercrime departments in member countries as well as the solidification of partnerships with crucial stakeholders, such as computer emergency response teams and Internet Service Providers. This will further contribute to reducing the global impact of cybercrime and protecting communities in the region,” said Jürgen Stock, INTERPOL Secretary General.

A recent report released by INTERPOL following the successful conclusion of the Africa Cyber Surge II operation, contained information on:

  • 3,786 malicious command and control servers
  • 14,134 victim IPs linked to data stealer cases
  • 1,415 phishing links and domains
  • 939 scam IPs
  • More than 400 other malicious URLs, IPs and botnets

“In an interconnected world facing unprecedented cyber threats, our collaboration with INTERPOL, AFRIPOL & other esteemed partners during the Africa Cyber Surge II operation exemplifies the power of unity in defending against digital adversaries. At Uppsala Security, we are driven by our commitment to harness cutting-edge technology for the greater good. Our proprietary blockchain analytical tools, CATV and CARA, played a pivotal role in unraveling the intricate steps of cybercriminals, underscoring the potential of innovation in fortifying cybersecurity. This collaboration reaffirms our belief that only through seamless cooperation between international law enforcement agencies, private sector pioneers, and forward-thinking organizations can we truly ensure a safer digital realm for all.” said Patrick Kim, Founder & CEO of Uppsala Security.

Uppsala Security is headquartered in Singapore, and has branch offices in Seoul, South Korea and Tokyo, Japan. You can follow Uppsala Security on Telegram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and Medium.



Sentinel Protocol Team
Sentinel Protocol

Operating on blockchain technology, Sentinel Protocol harnesses collective cyber security intelligence to protect crypto assets against hackers, scams and fraud