Uppsala Security joins MyID Alliance as a Growth Partner

Sentinel Protocol Team
Sentinel Protocol
Published in
2 min readMay 7, 2020

Singapore, 7 May 2020Uppsala Security announced today that it has officially joined the blockchain based digital identity cooperative, MyID Alliance, as a growth partner. Growth partners represent future use cases for MyID and these are the companies that will leverage the platform once the ID is verified and issued by the ecosystem partners.

MyID Alliance launched in November 2019 and it is a platform that enables a trusted digital ID ecosystem. On top of the overall financial sector, many industries including FinTech, e-commerce, sharing economy, and health care will be subject to the expanding cooperative relationships, making pioneering use cases on top of blockchain technology. Among its current 62 members and partners, Uppsala Security is the first provider of Crypto AML solutions and Compliance services.

Ku Min-woo, Korea Country Manager at Uppsala Security, said, “We are extremely happy to have joined MyID Alliance. We are open to provide our cybersecurity and AML solutions to virtual asset service providers (VASPs) and digital finance companies that are considering to invest in the protection of their products and services by introducing Risk Management Tools for Cryptocurrency AML, Regulatory Compliance Analytics and Cybersecurity, all powered by Blockchain, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. We are looking forward to a fruitful and growth focused cooperation with MyID Alliance.”

Currently, an AML solution built by Uppsala Security is offered to APIX, a financial sandbox platform under the Singapore Monetary Authority (MAS), for the first time in the industry. Uppsala Security was also recently awarded with the ‘2020 Asia-Pacific Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Security Technology Innovation Award’ by Frost & Sullivan, a world-class research and consulting firm, and has been verified and certified for its global public integrity.

About MyID Alliance

MyID Alliance is a collaborative organization establishing a blockchain-based digital ID ecosystem that puts “MyID” at the center and tries to resolve user inconveniences effectively. It currently consists of 62 organizations and corporations from various industries such as commercial banks, security firms, e-commerce and manufacturing companies.

About Uppsala Security Pte Ltd

Uppsala Security built and operates the world’s first crowdsourced Threat Intelligence Platform known as the Sentinel Protocol, powered by blockchain technologies and A.I. Supporting the framework is a team of experienced security analysts and researchers committed to helping organizations realize safely interconnected experiences by deploying a suite of advanced Risk Management Solutions satisfying the crypto security needs of organizations and industry compliance standards worldwide.

Uppsala Security is headquartered in Singapore and has branch offices in Seoul, South Korea and Tokyo, Japan. Follow Uppsala Security on Telegram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and Medium.



Sentinel Protocol Team
Sentinel Protocol

Operating on blockchain technology, Sentinel Protocol harnesses collective cyber security intelligence to protect crypto assets against hackers, scams and fraud