Uppsala Security launches TOMS

Sentinel Protocol Team
Sentinel Protocol
Published in
3 min readMar 26, 2021

Threat Reputation Database On-premise Management System

Singapore, 26th March 2021 Uppsala Security recently unveiled the release of TOMS, a product created to address an increased demand for on-premise solutions designed to meet the latest and strictest regulatory requirements in the digital assets space.

Similar to other tools in the Uppsala Security product suite, the Threat Reputation Database On-premise Management System (TOMS), as its backbone, leverages the Threat Reputation Database (TRDB), a decentralized database storing more than 56 Million threat indicators. The Threat Intelligence provided by the TRDB is unique as it has a crowdsourced architecture and enables its verified data to be accessed by its users around the world in a manner that is nearly real-time and is well aligned with the requirements and particularities of decentralized technology.

TOMS is an on-premise, centralized digital currency database that stores and provides data related to digital currency wallet addresses provided by the Uppsala Security Threat Reputation Database (TRDB), a decentralized and crowdsourced data hub. This solution can scale to provide additional data and run in isolation. The system can be hosted on an organization’s secure network without connecting to external Web Services enabling users to query data related to a Digital Currency Wallet and its risk profile.

TOMS is designed to be integrated with varying types of products and financial applications enabling an organizations to proactively protect crypto assets from malicious threats, support confidential investigations, and meet the strictest regulatory standards requiring corporate entities or government organizations to host this type of information and solutions on their own network environment, and thus minimize external communications and the attack surface. This applies especially to high profile government agencies, financial institutions, and financial software applications that need to be compliant with the strictest regulatory frameworks.

Key Features of TOMS:

Platform agnostic. TOMS can be integrated with any organization, its applications, and services via a RESTful API.

On-premise Database System. Enables dynamic online access to the latest collective Security Intelligence data hosted in the TRDB without any active Internet connection on an organization’s Internal computer network. The system can be totally offline or deployed with a DMZ for automating content downloads.

Up-to-date Threat Intelligence Data. Validated crypto wallet addresses related to Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing, Malware, Phishing, Scams, and Fraud.

If you are interested in learning more about TOMS or the rest of our product suite for detection, investigatory, or compliance purposes, please feel free to contact us here.

Uppsala Security built Sentinel Protocol, the first crowdsourced Threat Intelligence Platform powered by blockchain technology and A.I. Supporting the framework is a team of experienced cyber security professionals who provide an award-winning suite of advanced tools and services for Crypto AML, KYC Intelligence, Transaction Tracking, and Regulatory Compliance Analytics enabling organizations to protect their crypto assets from malicious attacks and scams while meeting regulatory compliance standards. Today Uppsala Security has over one thousand users including government organizations and leading enterprises providing crypto exchanges, payment services, wallets, gaming, and FinTech solutions.

Uppsala Security, headquartered in Singapore, has branch offices in Seoul, South Korea and Tokyo, Japan. You can follow Uppsala Security on Telegram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and Medium.



Sentinel Protocol Team
Sentinel Protocol

Operating on blockchain technology, Sentinel Protocol harnesses collective cyber security intelligence to protect crypto assets against hackers, scams and fraud