Beta Launch of the most decentralized DePin consumer application: The Sentinel Shield dVPN Application

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7 min readMay 8, 2024

Download the Sentinel Shield dVPN on your Android Device Today!

The Sentinel Shield dVPN application is now available for download on your Android device (APK File) at

Live connection to a dVPN node on Sentinel Shield dVPN

The Sentinel Shield dVPN is a fully decentralized, p2p dVPN application built on Sentinel’s dVPN protocol which allows for the easy creation of dVPN applications.

The monthly subscription cost is currently set at 1333.33 dVPN (more details in the following sections). Account abstraction has been included in the code and will soon be enabled in an upcoming update in the next few days.

The Sentinel Shield dVPN is powered by dVPN nodes hosted by community members all across the world.

dVPN applications built on Sentinel are the ONLY dVPN applications in existence which do not use an impermanent centralized (or semi-distributed) system for the querying of available nodes.

dVPN applications built on Sentinel are the most decentralized type of dVPN apps in existence made possible thanks to the scalability that the Cosmos SDK provides.

The querying of available nodes happens directly on-chain, the Sentinel dVPN blockchain is comparable to the DHT system used in torrents, except faster, more reliable, and fully decentralized. To learn more checkout this tweet:

Open-Source Code

All of the code used to build the Sentinel Shield dVPN application is fully open-source and can be viewed at:

Demand that VPN/dVPN application shows you the same level of transparency you would expect from your favorite wallet. Do not blindly trust an application that gets access to your networking card permissions without ensuring that the application is peer-reviewed.

Sentinel’s First Flagship Release in 3 years

The Sentinel Shield dVPN is the first dVPN to represent the Sentinel brand image since Sentinel migrated to its own Cosmos-based chain in 2021. Sentinel’s journey in terms of thought leadership and architectural dominance in the DePin ecosystem begins now.

Sentinel has already proven itself to be one of the most robust retail-consumer facing protocols in the DePin ecosystem with the recent success of Independent dVPN (crossing 200k downloads).

Recently active users (monthly) of dVPNs built on Sentinel crossed 70k in the month of May.

The number of unique users in 2024 alone has crossed 200k so far. 1 Million will be achieved this year.

Other notable dVPN application releases by 3rd party developers on Sentinel’s dVPN protocol include:

Breadcrumbs dVPN —
Meile 2.0 dVPN(upcoming)-
Solar Labs 2.0 dVPN (ucpoming) —
V2 dVPN —

Future publications and marketing efforts will be focusing heavily on the different apps built in the dVPN ecosystem.

The launch of the Sentinel Shield dVPN goes to show the versatility of dVPN apps that can be built on Sentinel’s dVPN protocol, from applications which are monetized by ads and are extremely user-friendly with 0 mention of blockchain such as Independent dVPN. All the way to fully decentralized on-chain applications which expose users to the management of keys and on-chain payments such as the Sentinel Shield dVPN app.

The previous Sentinel dVPN application which crossed 1m+ downloads (including APK) used to run on Ethereum and was deprecated in 2021 as the application depended on centralized masternodes for querying nodes.

The older Sentinel Flagship Application

For around the past 3 years, there has been a strong demand from the community for the return of a Sentinel branded dVPN application in order for Sentinel’s brand image and purpose to be represented strongly in the form of utility.

Older Sentinel Flagship Application

Several contributors have helped shape up the Sentinel Shield dVPN application over the past 6 months, and this flagship dVPN application will make it easier for the Sentinel ecosystem to become more Web 3 native and to attract more builders who want to build dVPN apps ontop of Sentinel.

Sentinel dVPN On-Chain Subscription Structure

dVPN applications built on Sentinel use on-chain subscription structures in-order to pre-pay nodes, aggregate them, and offer them in an easy 1-click format to end-users.

To learn more about on-chain subscriptions, checkout the article below.

The Monthly subscription is currently priced at 1333.33 $DVPN per month which users make directly to the on-chain contract. There is no middleman, or centralized system for authentication.

Subscription price currently set at 1333.33 DVPN

Currently the pricing is fixed and the only payment mechanism is $DVPN, however soon multiple payment gateways are being added in addition to USD based variable pricing for the overall subscription cost.

Automated renewal will be added in the near future.

To acquire $DVPN, checkout and

Global Server Access

Did you know, users on the Sentinel Shield dVPN can access nodes from over 90 different countries.

Wireguard and V2ray servers are both available and can be filtered in the search tabs.

Node hosts from all over the world provide services to users of dVPN applications built on Sentinel.

To learn more about hosting a node, checkout

In-App Wallet

The Sentinel Shield dVPN application features a simple in-app wallet that allows users to deposit $DVPN in order to purchase a subscription.

The Sentinel Shield dVPN allows for a user to either create an account on the app, or to import an existing account.

Users can only deposit dVPN and spend on the subscription through this app, for making $DVPN transfers the user would have to export the keys from this application and use another wallet such as Keplr.

Cosmos Account Abstraction

The Cosmos fee grant module has been implemented in order for the application to pay for user gas transactions related to connect/disconnection and other functions.

To learn more about the Fee grant module, checkout:

As Sentinel is one of the most decentralized DePin protocols, almost all user functions are on-chain including connection authorization itself (for a particular session). These user interactions with the dVPN app which don’t include the payment require gas fees and it doesn’t make sense for a user to pay a gas fee every time they connect.

The fee grant module has been included in the application and will be enabled soon with an update, allowing for users to avoid dVPN function related gas fees.

Fee granter enabled soon

Until the update is pushed, users will be receiving some $DVPN token to use for the gas fees.

Fee granter can be set as the Sentinel Shield dVPN, or as the user’s own wallet in the ‘Fee Granter’ tab of the settings.

Custom RPC

Users of the Shield dVPN are able to set a custom RPC and can choose from one of the many community-hosted RPC servers in the event of a specific RPC experiencing an overload or being restricted in a specific region.

Custom RPC Settings

Sentinel community RPC List:

Residential Server Subscription

There are over 300 residential servers being hosted by dVPN community members right now. Discover more information about residential nodes at

Residential nodes will become available on the Sentinel Shield dVPN application at an extra cost in the future.




Interoperable Network Layer for bandwidth sharing and incentivization. Developed the Sentinel dVPN on the Sentinel Network — More about us,