Introducing the Sentinel Ambassador Program

Published in
4 min readJun 16, 2021

The Internet is an amazing place, but each time you search for something or access anything online, you lose a piece of your privacy. Every site, application, and online service provider is collecting your personal data. A few years ago, the world thought it had found an answer to this problem. Futuristic companies developed virtual private networks, or VPNs, that supposedly provided top-notch cybersecurity. Unfortunately, security is not ironclad with the centralized VPN services we’ve come to rely on. However, the vulnerabilities of a centralized VPN are solved through the implementation of a decentralized approach.

About Sentinel

Sentinel is a blockchain-based decentralized marketplace for bandwidth sharing. Sentinel enables anyone to create a Virtual Private Network and have access to the distributed bandwidth resources where users become both providers and consumers in the network.

Join the Sentinel Ambassador Program

Bridge the gap between theory and practice — help yourself, help others

To grow the most secure, robust network we are calling on you to take an active part! Share with your friends, grow the network, help solve real-world problems, and build communities across the globe.

The Sentinel Ambassador Program is a community growth program that aims to form a community of like-minded individuals across the globe.

You Should Join if You Have

  • Never-ending curiosity to explore the latest technology trends
  • Determination to expand Sentinel’s student community
  • The ability to brainstorm and identify approaches to empower and grow the community

What you will do

Social Media

  • Content curation
  • Maintain a unique aesthetic for the channel you lead
  • Create and post tweets
  • Study internet consumption patterns for privacy and blockchain-focused users content

Be a Part of the Community Team

  • Conducting activities to engage the community
  • Community expansion through diverse collaborations
  • Create and brainstorm ideas with community members

Development Input

  • Test our apps on different devices and let us know about any bugs & issues
  • Let us know how can we make it better through design & development
  • Collaborate with tech groups/teams/communities of other colleges
  • Identify tech programs and hackathons and possibly take part

Content Contributions

  • Content creation — Blogs, GIFs, Infographics, Videos, FAQs, Social Media posts, Memes
  • Content distribution — guest posts, quora, medium, publications, etc.
  • Outreach — connecting with influencers, partnerships, PR Media, etc.

Reward Structure

Contributions in the Sentinel Ambassador Program will be compensated in $DVPN tokens.

  • Rewards will be distributed at the end of each month and will be based on the previous month’s contributions
  • Quality and engagement of work will benefit from increased rewards
  • Additional rewards will be granted to the top 3 performers in the program on a monthly basis

Quality and Engaging Work Explained

Each contribution and task will be compensated in $DVPN. In addition, there will be a multiplier assigned to each task based on the quality of work and the engagement the task receives. Weighting will be determined by the team after reviewing each task.

  • 0.25x = Low quality and low engagement*
  • 1x = Decent quality and decent engagement
  • 2x = Great quality and great engagement

*Two instances of low quality work requires attention from the team to evaluate what changes need to be made to improve

Rewards Per Task

Below are some of the tasks you can perform and how much you’ll earn, this is the base amount and will vary depending on the engagement and quality of your work, this list is not exhaustive, there are many more ways to contribute and earn that will be made clear to you in the program. Each task should be related to Sentinel and unique.

1 $DVPN = $USD 0.014 (rewards will be paid out in $DVPN)

  • Tweets (max 3 in 24 hrs) — 100 $DVPN
  • Meme (max 5 in one week) — 150 $DVPN
  • GIF (max 5 in one week) — 250 $DVPN
  • Short video 1–2 mins (max 3 per week) — 1,500 $DVPN
  • Long video 2+ mins (max 3 per week) — 2,500 $DVPN
  • 400 words blog (max 2 per week) — 2 $DVPN per word

Additional Awards for the Top 3 Performers

The top 3 Ambassadors will receive an additional bonus at the end of the month. The ranking will be determined by the team and will take into account the quality of content, presence in the community, and leadership guidance within the Ambassador Program.

  • 1st — $100 in $DVPN
  • 2nd — $75 in $DVPN
  • 3rd — $50 in $DVPN

Additional Benefits to Supporting Sentinel

The Sentinel Ambassadors will work closely with the core team of Sentinel as well as other developers in the space. The team will provide assistance and resources to help the ambassadors succeed.

  • Working directly with the core team and other ambassadors
  • Active brainstorming participation
  • Unlimited growth opportunities
  • Networking with the like-minded and non as well depending on your interest

Ready to join the Sentinel Ambassador Program? Fill out the application form today!

Apply here: Sentinel Ambassador Program

Follow Sentinel *only* on official platforms:

LinkedIn | Medium | Twitter | Telegram — Announcements | Telegram — Community Group | Telegram Community Chats — Node Network Group, Chinese, Russian and Spanish




Interoperable Network Layer for bandwidth sharing and incentivization. Developed the Sentinel dVPN on the Sentinel Network — More about us,