Sentinel Desktop Client - Alpha v0.0.4

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6 min readJun 5, 2018
Sentinel Desktop Client Alpha v0.0.4 available now for Mac, Windows, and Linux.

After hundreds of hours of diligent planning and code development, Sentinel is excited to present Alpha v0.0.4 of the Sentinel Desktop Client.

New features in the v0.0.4 update include:

1. First-ever implementation of SOCKS5 protocol over a distributed VPN.
2. First working version of a centralized ERC20 in-wallet token swaps.
3. A sneak peek into how a layer 2 TOR Network - TOR over Sentinel’s dVPN - solves many problems that have resulted in the de-anonymization of TOR users.

Download Links:

Mac: Sentinel-macosx-0.0.4-alpha.dmg

Windows: Sentinel-win64–0.0.4-alpha.exe

Linux: Sentinel-linux64–0.0.4-alpha.deb

What does this update mean for privacy and dVPN users?

Advancements in VPN privacy and user anonymity.

1. SOCKS5 Protocol

There are many threats to online user privacy:
- Governments & predatory data aggregators,
- Rogue government organizations, and
- Hackers who sell data to data aggregators.

These malevolent entities primarily utilize IP address monitoring, tracking your data through the sites you visit. SOCKS5, a technology that has been around since the dawn of anonymity solutions, partially solves this problem by routing all your data through a proxy server using encrypted SSH tunnels in order to mask your network activity and protect your IP address. Using the OpenSSL library, all data is fully encrypted with AES-128-CBC encryption.

SOCKS5 nodes available via the Sentinel Node Network

Sentinel’s SOCKS5 dVPN improves upon existing/current SOCKS5 technology with the following methods:

- Sentinel’s SOCKS5 dVPN routes all your data through its trust-less decentralized network rather than failure prone, trust-based centralized proxy servers.
- Using smart contracts, Sentinel’s dVPN automatically monitors usage and processes transactions, without human intervention.

2. Sentinel’s dVPN with TOR integration increases user & node security

We are currently testing an OpenVPN node exiting into TOR, where traffic is relayed through TOR locally. The user IP is never exposed to the TOR network or the destination address, and the chain is still entirely provable.

Layer-2 TOR over Sentinel dVPN - currently protects exit nodes from revealing its IP to the destination - a first for a bandwidth-as-a-resource (BaaR) crypto project.

Using the Sentinel Desktop Client, connect to a node under ‘VPN’ and you may find a node exiting into TOR. Check by visiting to see if TOR is enabled.

3. Swaps with Ethereum and BNB

Perhaps the most exciting part of this update is the in-wallet ERC20 token swaps. As you may already know, Sentinel’s bandwidth protocol interacts with the $SENT ERC20 blockchain to record and monitor bandwidth exchange metrics, and the contract enforces fair terms between the provider of bandwidth and the user of the bandwidth.

In-wallet ETH > SENT swaps.

The connection is suspended if the user does not fulfil a blockchain-based postpaid receipt generated by the protocol’s master-node.

Simplifying access to the Sentinel Network.

Access Sentinel resources without compromising your identity.

Most cryptocurrency-based services are non-fungible, i.e. one non-negotiable currency for the whole ecosystem. This handicap would mean our users have to visit a crypto-exchange each time they run out of $SENT.

Most of our patrons value their anonymity quite dearly and strive to keep a minimal online footprint; going to a crypto-exchange would prove counter-productive. A majority of exchanges remain plagued with security issues, as well as withdrawal issues. Some stakeholders prefer not to register on these exchanges due to these very reasons.

To realize Sentinel’s vision of frictionless digital resource usage, we’ve proposed a system of inter-chain/cross-chain token swaps built into the wallet as the optimal solution.

Sentinel’s prototype centralized in-wallet swap system allows for users to swap BNB or ETH for SENT. With inbuilt automated smart contracts, you can purchase $SENT tokens without accessing an exchange.

How do swaps on Sentinel work?

  1. First, the user needs to deposit BNB or ETH in the Sentinel Desktop Wallet. They can then view their balance once the transaction is fully confirmed.
  2. The user initiates the swap by hitting the ‘Convert ERC20 to SENT’ option, which then executes a series of smart contracts to pull the average exchange price from exchange APIs and then perform the swap. You can buy tokens up to $50 USD.
  3. Current supported tokens:
    1. ETH
    2. BNB

Currently, this feature is in its infancy with our focus upon ERC20 swaps. In the future, we intend to extend this feature to include atomic swaps.

Why BNB?

A fungible utility token.

A contextual introduction to the BNB token (BNB or Binance Network Token) gives a quintessential example of a utility token that provides token holders with a real tangible value, leveraged immediately. Binance is the largest exchange in the world maintaining an average volume of over $2B a day. It is well known for its industry-leading API/latency standards and security.

In-wallet BNB > SENT swaps.

The BNB token value directly relates to the success of Binance as a trading platform. Holders of BNB can avail trading fee discounts, pay for any cross pair trading fee on Binance with BNB, and also claim fee share ownership of Binance’s much-awaited DEX.

Not only is BNB an ERC20 with limited supply but Binance is also committed to buying back BNB and burning it using profits from trading fees. With Binance’s profit trajectory exceeding nine figures, these burns are projected to have a significant impact on the available supply over time. This inflation of profits only augments the scarcity given BNB’s great utility.

The ability for users to convert remnant fractions of alt-coins in their Binance exchange wallet into BNB provides another aspect of utility. Given that the world’s highest volume and most successful exchange allows for users to convert ‘wallet dust’ into a highly liquid utility token and that provides the opportunity for BNB to be a top token to be utilized for digital resource distribution based swaps.

Alpha v0.0.4 Release Summary

Sentinel’s SOCKS5 dVPN is a Layer-2 TOR network, using the distributed resources available through the Sentinel network to further anonymize and protect your identity.

Sentinel introduces fungibility through ERC20 in-wallet swaps via automated smart contracts, allowing users to consume digital resources without purchasing proprietary currency on an exchange.

Sentinel’s SOCKS5 dVPN and in-wallet swaps present an excellent solution to the ever-increasing problem of Internet anonymity.

About Sentinel

Sentinel employs a multi-chain architecture to secure data and exchange resources between people and applications — Legacy, Enterprise Apps, Mobile Apps, and dApps. Sentinel has developed the first working blockchain bandwidth resource monitoring and on-chain payment gateway mechanism.

Follow us on Medium to stay up to date with the latest Sentinel announcements and developments.

View exchanges for trading $SENT at the Sentinel website.

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Interoperable Network Layer for bandwidth sharing and incentivization. Developed the Sentinel dVPN on the Sentinel Network — More about us,