Sentinel dVPN —SpiderVPN Router Partnership and July Node Incentivization Update

Published in
6 min readSep 1, 2019

Spider VPN Partnership Announcement

Sentinel is excited to announce a partnership with Spider VPN (, a UK based organization focused on the proliferation of their own pro-privacy router (will be the worlds first fully open-sourced router). SpiderVPN will be integrating the Sentinel dVPN at the firmware to enable it’s users to connect directly to a SpiderVPN ‘Enterprise-Grade’ Private Net running on the Sentinel Network.

More information with regards to Private Nets and how organizations can create one on the Sentinel Network will be disclosed in the coming weeks.

*Disclaimer: The and website are undergoing revisions and content is subject to change. The existing pricing models/service offering of SpiderVPN is subject to change

Existing SpiderVPN Router retail links:

*Pricing models and service offering subject to revision

Router Links:
(Pro Router)
Classic Router:

The centralized SpiderVPN network is already achieving over 100TB of data usage per month with thousands of active users. These users will be migrated to SpiderVPN’s own provable private net on the Sentinel network.

Why is SpiderVPN partnering with the Sentinel Network (SENT)?


The Sentinel dVPN network is a fully open-sourced blockchain based dVPN network that provides users with the absolute assurance that there is no manipulation of encryption settings/routing protocols in the back-end. If anyone tries to manipulate the encryption settings during the node docker setup, the docker image will not even connect to the dAPP network


Increased Anonymity

The Sentinel dVPN network is one of the first VPN networks that plan to establish a relay system which would ensure that even the exit node would not know the user’s actual IP. In the future, users of SpiderVPN router can opt to tunnel their traffic through the provable relay network.



Once the Sentinel network reaches mainnet, users can configure their router to be apart of the relay network (or an exit node if user can avoid DCMA requests) and monetize on their unused bandwidth that will be consumed by active users on the Sentinel dVPN network (will happen after switch to Tendermint)

Extension of the Node Incentivization Program

The Node incentivization program is being extended indefinitely until the launch of the mainnet.

UPDATE : Month #4 of the program has started from 21st August, 2019 and will continue until the 19th of September, 2019. Subsequently, 20th September, 2019 will mark the beginning of Month #5 and so on so forth.

Top 3 winners in the Sentinel Node Incentivization Month #2: June 20 — July 19, 2019

The Sentinel Node Incentivization program was launched to introduce the community to the process of hosting a dVPN node. Sentinel is one of the first ecosystems involved in peer to peer bandwidth resource exchange and will be allowing individuals or enterprises to monetize unused or excess bandwidth.

Currently the Sentinel dVPN is running on both an Ethereum and a Tendermint Testnet, and will transition to a monetized mainnet that will also include fiat payment gateways.

The rules were simple: Nodes will have to contribute more than 300GB (for a $25 reward or ~17K SENT) or 750GB (for a higher reward — $50 or ~40.9K SENT). Exchange rate as on July 30th was 1 SENT = $0.003909

Below is the list of winners and each address pertaining to the Node ID that has received tokens is listed.

Results of Node Incentivization Program Month #2 (upto July 20th)

The team understands that since many nodes hosts were new, it is acceptable that only few node hosts could meet the uptime criteria. As a result, there is a consolation prize for people that contributed between 100GB and 300GB.

Sentinel dVPN Stats for the month of July 2019

In the third month of Node Incentivization from July 20-August 20, 2019 the network witnessed 100 active nodes on the Sentinel dVPN Network.

Status of the network on 24th August 2019 with over 101 dVPN nodes running on the network. More information on

Sentinel-Turing-1 — a status update

Sentinel has successfully completed over 560K (or over half a million) blocks with 36 validators participating in the network.

There was a significant amount of time and energy spent by several validators in assisting the team in the creation of security-related documentation provided below. Although these validators have asked not to be quoted, it is important to make sure the word gets and efforts from the community are acknowledged.


Explorer, dVPN Interfaces (OpenVPN & WireGuard) and more!

Development on Sentinel-Turing-2 is underway and also the launch of Sentinel’s custom block-explorer Compass is approaching (will allow for integration with other Cosmos based projects as well). The WireGuard routing protocol interfaces will be launched in Turing-2 as apart of the Tendermint based desktop application.

‘Enterprise Grade’ Private-nets will be launched soon along with corresponding documentation and information, marking the beginning of Sentinel’s journey into enterprise solutions.

Interested users can join the Sentinel Node Network on Telegram ( and seek information or chat with other community members.


We support anyone that wants to accept SENT as a payment method, run the Sentinel Private Net for their organization or community or develop tooling for the Sentinel Network. For partnerships of any kind or media enquiries please email —

Join our Community!

About Sentinel Network

Sentinel Network is a network layer that enables a true p2p and decentralized applications and resources marketplace. Sentinel enables anyone to create Public and Private networks that provide access to both free and incentivized, and also payment method agnostic (pre-paid/escrow/post-paid) services (dApps) & distributed resources, enabling its clients to become both producers and consumers in the network.

Sentinel utilizes locking, staking and multi-sig directly from Tendermint core and Cosmos SDK and aims to fully eliminate the disadvantages of previous generation protocols, that couldn’t scale due to limitations of the blockchain they share with other dApps or that have an unsustainable economic model that reduces usability or access to the product they offer.

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View exchanges for trading SENT on the Sentinel website.

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Interoperable Network Layer for bandwidth sharing and incentivization. Developed the Sentinel dVPN on the Sentinel Network — More about us,