Sentinel-Turing-2 — Announcement & extension of the Node Incentivization Program until Mainnet

4 min readNov 13, 2019


Current State of Development

Over the last few months there has been a significant amount of progress both on the protocol and the networking side. Development focus areas include:

  1. Tendermint Hub/Bandwidth Protocol
  2. Networking protocols — OpenVPN, WireGuard and IKEv2
  3. Desktop Client v2 with support for OpenVPN & WireGuard
  4. iOS Application with ETH with support for IKEv2
  5. Private Network functionality (Integration with Spider)

Continuing the Node Incentivization Program

Incentivization for the 5th month of the Node Incentivization Program has been distributed at this time with over 900K SENT to eligible node hosts who need to cover their hosting costs.

The Node Incentivization program will be continued until mainnet in order to continue to assimilate hosts to a potential economical model that will enable profitable provision of networking services.

During the node incentivization program, the Sentinel Network saw a peak of 100 nodes with an average bandwidth exchange of ~500GB on the network per day. These nodes were being hosted to provide maximum functionality and bandwidth throughput.

Output of Sentinel-Turing-1

Since the release of Sentinel-Turing-1, a total of 1.6M blocks (at the time of writing) have been generated with 39 validators participating within the network. The Sentinel-Turing-1 underwent a coordinated attack (by the Validators of the network and the core team), which resulted in the halt of the chain, as expected.

In addition, internal testing of the Turing-1 chain has revealed that the application logic required much more testing before launching a chain with the VPN & its transactions in place at the consensus level.

Announcing the release of Sentinel’s Turing-2

While Sentinel-Turing-1 focused on a version of governance and consensus that was quite similar to the Cosmos Network, Turing-2 will also feature a version that’s similar, but the key difference would be in the way transactions are handled.

Turing-2 will feature the Sentinel Network’s key utility in action, the dVPN application. This dVPN application on Tendermint will be supported by multiple protocols — OpenVPN, WireGuard and IKEv2. Each protocol works in a very similar way and other protocols in future can be in an efficient added in a plug-and-play manner reducing development efforts.

Currently the desktop app doesn’t support the Turing-1 testnet, but the client that’s being developed for Turing-2 will work not only with desktops and laptops, but also the Raspberry Pi with a command-line interface (CLI).

Turing-2 will also feature a version of the Private Net and more information on the Private Net will be detailed in an independent article.

Sentinel’s Turing-2 is expected to go live with the support of our Validators on November 27th, 1100 UTC. Additional details of the same will be released before the same. Interested people are requested to join the Sentinel Node Network Group and participate in the discussion or to know any additional information.

Media & Partnerships

We support anyone that wants to accept SENT as a payment method, run the Sentinel Private Net for their organization or community or develop tooling for the Sentinel Network. Please feel free to reach out to us on Twitter in case of any outreach/partnership inquiries.

Join our Community!

About Sentinel Network

Sentinel Network is a network layer that enables a true p2p and decentralized applications and resources marketplace. Sentinel enables anyone to create Public and Private networks that provide access to both free and incentivized, and also payment method agnostic (pre-paid/escrow/post-paid) services (dApps) & distributed resources, enabling its clients to become both producers and consumers in the network.

Sentinel utilizes locking, staking and multi-sig directly from Tendermint core and Cosmos SDK and aims to fully eliminate the disadvantages of previous generation protocols, that couldn’t scale due to limitations of the blockchain they share with other dApps or that have an unsustainable economic model that reduces usability or access to the product they offer.

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Interoperable Network Layer for bandwidth sharing and incentivization. Developed the Sentinel dVPN on the Sentinel Network — More about us,