Sentinel Turing-3 Incentivization Schedule

Published in
3 min readSep 28, 2020

The Turing-3 incentivized testnet program will begin on 12 PM UTC on the 1st of October, and conclude at 12 PM UTC on the 17th of October.

You can view the Turing-3 block explorer at:
(It is important to note that the maximum number of validators defined at the Turing-3 genesis is 50).

To read more about the Turing-3 Testnet, check out:

Rewards for Performance on Past Testnets

Validators who committed over 2 Million blocks on the previous Turing-2 testnet will receive 1 million SENT tokens each for their participation and support for the chain.

The winners of this category include:

POS Bakerz
Cosmic Validator

Turing — 3 Incentivization Schedule

Total Prize Pool — 35M SENT

Category 1 — Never Jailed/Never slashed (7.5M)

Participants are required to ensure that their validator is ‘never jailed’, or removed from the active validator set through penalization for poor performance/malicious behavior

Category 2 — Uptime (>= 90%) (7.5M)

Participants are required to ensure that their validator’s up-time is over 90% throughout the duration of the incentivized testnet

Category 3 — Vulnerabilities (20M)

Participants are encouraged to find unique issues in the custom built modules on the Sentinel Hub and provide documentation for these issues. The custom built Cosmos based modules developed include: the deposit module, provider module, node module, plan module, subscription module, and session module.

The sentinel-hub-cli found at the link below can be utilized for communication with the Sentinel Hub chain.

The key objective in this category is for participants to find potential bugs in the developed modules and exploit these bugs in order to conduct double spending attack.

Those who successfully exploit the attacks and find issues in the modules (specifically in keepers, handlers, and end blocker logics) should submit the concerned documentation on Sentinel’s official GitHub repository.

In the event of any critical bug which may halt the testnet, an immediate patch will be released and a new version of the testnet will be launched. In such a scenario, the duration of the testnet may be extended further.

In addition, participants are encouraged to conduct attacks on the testnet in attempt to destabilize it.

We would like to thank all of the participants for their involvement in this testnet. Contribution in this incentivized competition helps to makes the Sentinel Hub design more resilient and concrete, bringing the hub one step closer to a mainnet launch.

The judgement team’s decisions will be final and only unique issues will be rewarded.

Reward Distribution

All incentives will be distributed on the Sentinel mainnet (intended to launch before the end of the year) with a minimum of a 3 month lock up period.

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