The Chinese Expansion


Published in
6 min readNov 24, 2018


  1. Why is the Sentinel dVPN relevant for China?
  2. Upcoming release for the Chinese community
  3. The Growth of Sentinel’s Chinese Community

Sentinel Network’s ecosystem continues to expand its reach to new geographies while building up a very strong community that understands the merits of decentralized networking and communication centric application layers.

Sentinel’s peer-to-peer dVPN network continues to provide an immense amount of utility on a day-to-day basis to users all around the world. One major focus of Sentinel’s region-based awareness efforts has been the Chinese subcontinent and its population base all around the world. China has a very high amount of distributed network enthusiasts as well as users who have real needs for a dVPN network such as Sentinel’s to ensure network integrity and security whilst connecting to public networks.

At any point of time there are a minimum of 40 concurrent users being secured by Sentinel’s provable end-to-end encryption. At this exact moment there are over 100 concurrent users. Within 6 months we expect the network to maintain a standard of at least 500 concurrent users.

Why is the Sentinel dVPN relevant for China?

Residents of mainland China are unable to access information that may be crucial to further proficiency in their livelihood. In today’s competitive and globalized world, one must always have access to legitimate news sources as well as academic information in order to ensure excellence.

The Sentinel ecosystem aspires to bring freedom of information to the Chinese subcontinent by encouraging more users to utilize the Sentinel dVPN network for their daily requirements.

The current Sentinel dVPN v0.0.5 desktop client offers the ability for users to connect to nodes utilizing the SOCKS5 routing protocol effectively giving uncensored internet access to the Chinese population. While there are tools that facilitate such p2p user of SOCKS based networks such as ShadowSocks, these tools still do not have a routing protocol which further enhances the security and anonymity of the user on the dVPN network itself.

When the Sentinel dVPN is on the MainNet, it will feature a strong routing protocol which allows users to customize the number of ‘hops’ of their data request between the routing nodes before the request is ultimately delivered to the exit node (ensuring that the exit node never sees IP or other information about the user).

To find out more information about Sentinel’s journey in China and reasoning behind the utility of its dVPN network in the subcontinent, refer to the blog in the link below:

Upcoming Release for the Chinese Community

Left : dVPN Node List on Sentinel’s dVPN Desktop Client running on ETH’s Rinkeby TestNet — Right : dVPN Node the Tendermint TestNet
Left : Initiated a lock transaction on the Tendermint TestNet — Right: 100 Locked & 0.039 Consumed Tokens after establishing connection with a dVPN Node

The Sentinel Tendermint alpha desktop client v0.1.01 will be released featuring the fully operational Sentinel dVPN network built on the Sentinel Tendermint TestNet.

The upcoming clients featuring SOCKS5 hosted exit nodes, are fully translated into Chinese and will soon also accommodate nodes featuring the WireGuard routing protocol.

The Sentinel TestNet (dashboard courtesy of

Currently all validators running on the Sentinel TestNet are operated by the development team. These validators will be operated by qualifying community members once Sentinel enters the MainNet and users can also experience the hosting of a Sentinel validator in further TestNet releases.

All nodes that are available to users of the dVPN network are hosted by community members interested in being paid in the SENT token for unused bandwidth when Sentinel goes to it’s MainNet.

For more information on Sentinel’s transition to Tendermint please refer to the blog in the link below:

The Growth of Sentinel’s Chinese Community

The growth of Sentinel’s Chinese community has been staggering in the past few weeks in not only numbers but also in the amount of relevant user interaction.

The community’s epicenter is it’s Telegram group which can accessed at:

Our new Chinese community members have shown a significant amount of interest in:

  1. Testing upcoming Tendermint releases and past dVPN clients to see how they actually work in China.
  2. Hosting dVPN nodes and customizing variable encryption/price related settings in order to assimilate themselves to the experience of hosting an actual paid node on Sentinel’s MainNet.
  3. Figuring out the economics of the p2p network in terms of the break-even costs of hosting VPS servers which could be monetized as exit-nodes on the Sentinel dVPN network.
Sentinel’s Chinese Community members discussing node economics on the official Telegram Group —

Below is a comparison made by the Sentinel Chinese community, between the general OpenVPN based dVPN networks commonly found and the Sentinel dVPN network featuring SOCKS5 based nodes.

A community made comparision

The Sentinel community would like to give a special thanks to the efforts of Sentinel’s awareness partner, the Cohesion Group.

We’re listening — Keep the suggestions coming

Soon, you can add a ‘description’ of your node

Also, finally, upon community request, we have added the ability for Node Hosts to write a brief description about the node and it’s features. This will be displayed on the Sentinel dVPN desktop client and is searchable using the existing search bar.

Below is a preview of the node update being prepared for the release:

Example: Node Hosts can write a few characters (will be limited) and a search query for ‘Netflix’ on the Node List screen of the dVPN Desktop Client, it will then list nodes that claim to bypass Netflix.

Stay tuned for product updates!

About Sentinel Network

Sentinel Network is a network layer that enables a true p2p and decentralized applications and resources marketplace. Sentinel enables anyone to create Public and Private networks that provide access to both free and incentivized, and also payment method agnostic (pre-paid/escrow/post-paid) services (dApps) & distributed resources, enabling its clients to become both producers and consumers in the network.

Sentinel utilizes locking, staking and multi-sig directly from Tendermint core and Cosmos SDK and aims to fully eliminate the disadvantages of previous generation protocols, that couldn’t scale due to limitations of the blockchain they share with other dApps or that have an unsustainable economic model that reduces usability or access to the product they offer.

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Interoperable Network Layer for bandwidth sharing and incentivization. Developed the Sentinel dVPN on the Sentinel Network — More about us,