Sentinel Protocol and Bluzelle Form Partnership for Managing Decentralized Security Threat Data

Breaking Down Cybersecurity Infrastructure in a Decentralized Manner

Sentinel Protocol Marketing Team
2 min readApr 17, 2018
Sentinel Protocol and Bluzelle Partnership

Both Sentinel Protocol and Bluzelle are leveraging blockchain technology to build infrastructure for data usage. As you know, we are building a decentralized Threat Reputation Database (TRDB). Before the Sentinels can validate and confirm the incident, and updates the TRDB, we need a database that can store raw and crowdsourced data from individuals, end-point devices, and various organizations. We will use Bluzelle’s decentralized database to store that raw data. For example, such raw data could be malware sample data collected by Machine Learning and D-Sandboxing features of S-Wallet. We are excited about this partnership!

Sentinel Protocol and Bluzelle Form Partnership for Managing Decentralized Security Threat Data

On April 17, 2018, Sentinel Protocol, the Security Intelligence Platform for Blockchain, and Bluzelle, a decentralized, on-demand, and scalable database service provider, announced their plans to form a partnership. The objective of their partnership is to securely and reliably store security threat data in a decentralized manner.

Sentinel Protocol will secure cryptocurrency assets of individuals and organizations against hacks, scams and fraud by using blockchain consensus and incentive schemes, which can harness collective security intelligence. Bluzelle will solve the current data storage problem by turning underused computer resources from around the world into storage providers. Both companies are leveraging blockchain technology to optimize system availability and data integrity over a distributed and decentralized network.

Sentinel Protocol is building a decentralized Threat Reputation Database (TRDB) to be provided for cryptocurrency exchanges, wallets, and payment services. Stolen cryptocurrencies can neither be spent nor converted to fiat, which will eventually diminish the incentive to hack and steal cryptocurrencies. TRDB will store comprehensive threat data, confirmed and validated by Sentinels, cybersecurity experts, and organizations. Before the Sentinels validate the threat data and confirm the block on Sentinel Protocol’s own blockchain, the raw data collected by Sentinel Protocol will be stored on the Bluzelle’s database. As a result, this raw data can be stored securely and reliably over a decentralized network.

“The crowdsourced data we store in a decentralized database will be safe and secure without the risk of leakage,” said Patrick Kim, CEO and founder of Uppsala Foundation, the team behind Sentinel Protocol project. “When the product is fully functioning later this year, we will see the results of the collaborative decision between Sentinel Protocol and Bluzelle to safely handle threat data within a decentralized network.” he added.

“I met Sentinel Protocol early December last year for the first time. I thought their product and team were solid. Sentinel Protocol provides a key piece for growing the decentralized Internet. By working with them, Bluzelle becomes a stronger product for our customers.” said Pavel Bains, CEO of Bluzelle.

