SENTIO VR plugin to view Autodesk Revit in Oculus Go

Chaitanya Ravi
Published in
2 min readSep 21, 2018

We’re excited to launch the first version of SENTIO VR plugin for Revit !

Keeping in line with our mission of being the simplest 3D to VR software — the new plugin allows you to upload your 3D models directly from Revit and instantly view them in VR devices like Oculus Go or Samsung Gear.

Simple. Fast. Mobile. Here’s how to use it:

Install SENTIO VR add-on for Autodesk Revit

Download link

View your Revit model in Oculus Go / Samsung Gear

Step-by-step video instructions

Take a look at this video if you prefer to understand the workflow in detail

​Interested in learning more about 3D to VR presentations ? Signup for a free trial HERE

