Starting the next chapter: Co-founding Sentry

Chris Jennings
Sentry Product Blog
2 min readAug 4, 2014


A couple of weeks ago I made the insanely difficult decision to leave the design team at @GitHub. When breaking the news to my teammates a common response was, “What the hell took you so long?”

That’s because over the last couple of years, my partner David and I have been building an app called Sentry in our spare time. Sentry is an open source project that we built to better aggregate the errors we were facing at Disqus. We eventually packaged it up as a subscription service and offered it to companies facing the same challenges we were.

Sentry was an instant hit in the Python community. It has since grown to be one of the leaders in the space on all platforms, with Python, Ruby, Javascript, and PHP being the most popular. Now companies like The New York Times, Spotify, Uber, and The Discovery Channel rely on Sentry to help them stay in front of the issues that affect their users.

The only problem was that both David and I were really dedicated to our full-time jobs — he at Dropbox and me at GitHub. All design, development, and support were taken care of on breaks, nights, and weekends.

That all changes today. I’m thrilled to officially announce that I’m focusing on Sentry full-time. We’ve launched a new version of our homepage to celebrate.

Working at GitHub has been a truly amazing experience. It is unlike anywhere else and I am a better human because of my time there. The only reason to leave a great company would be to start a great company. We’re aiming to do just that.

Wish us luck.



Chris Jennings
Sentry Product Blog

Co-founder @GetSentry. Previously at @GitHub and @Disqus.