4 SEO Trending that Can Affect Your Ranking in 2017

Google does not stop updating, from Penguin, Hummingbird to RankBrain. As 2017 is coming, the SEO market is looking for a shift from Google to others. Facebook has its own algorithm and it is quite different from Google. So what does the trending going to be in 2017?

Long content are boring and less attractive

Too long, don’t read. People are becoming more impatient with long and detail content. Especially when people find the same contents over again and again. Snapchat videos are more attractive than such lengthy contents. If you want to have good content in 2017, posting a gif or video instead is likely to trend. Visuals tends to enhance more user experiences and information gathering capacity of a person.

7 SEO Trending that can affect your ranking in 2017 | From Tony Yeung, Toronto Social Media Specialist
Too long, don’t read (Credit: GIPHY)

Clearly, Google can notice this and make necessary adjustments on its search algorithm.

Secure sites will be favoured more

HTTPS, also known as, secure sites, is gaining a very good reputation on the search engines. Google says, “People feel safe when they see HTTPS beside the domain name. We want to respect it.” You might have great content on your website, but no HTTPS may have no extra benefits from Google. So, if you want to boost your SERP ranking, move your site to the secured domain.

Social Content and New SEO Strategy

Still have no social media platforms for your SEO Strategy? You definitely are losing. When you search for a company in Google, its social media platforms, i.e. Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram page always come into the top few results. What does that mean? This means the growing trend in users looking for company’s contents on social media more than on the company’s website.

7 SEO Trending that will affect your ranking in 2017 from Tony Yeung, Toronto Social Media Specialist
MRW I can’t find the company’s social media accounts on Google

So, focusing and post content on social media regularly along with your website’s SEO factors will definitely improve your ranking.

Fast Mobile Pages, Fast Mobile Pages!!!

Your website is still not responsive? You are suffering. While people have no patient to wait, a fast mobile pages are getting more important. Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMPs) allows web developers or owners to make the site load up faster and use less data. Clearly, Google is starting to rank these websites better because they have switched over to AMPs.

7 SEO Trending that can affect your ranking in 2017 from Tony Yeung, Toronto Social Media Specialist
MRW I found a fast loading website on my iPhone (Credit: http://giphy.com/)

In 2017, I believe that more brands will take advantage from AMPs.

