My Linkbuilding Strategy in 2014?

Why Links are still important….

SEO Strategy 2014


The quick shortcuts for link building like automated link blasts, free directories, blog commenting and forum profiles all served as effective practices of earning links to improve your position in search results. When the Penguin and Panda algorithm updates came, these tactics were no longer an option. Now the most effective tactic is content creation. Content based link acquisition is skyrocketing and remains one of the most white hat way to earn links naturally.

Links are Still important

Nothing has changed. Google is still a link based search engine, link is at its DNA. What has changed is their ability to detect spam patterns. And they're getting better at it everyday. Link and anchor text manipulation on any level no longer represent a viable option if your serious with your business.

Hummingbird and less keyword data provided in Google Analytics are updates that force companies to change their usual SEO strategy into providing valuable and informative content. If your SEO isn't promoting content as your most effective marketing strategy for 2014, then you shouldn't be working with them. Great SEO plans for the future instead of reacting to the past, so for good, sustainable SEO, you need to be working with a team that will abide Google's guidelines and best practices.

My linkbuilding strategy since 2013 that yields good enough result that i will continue this year?

  1. Publish amazing content and promote to the right audience via social media, forums and blogger outreach to encourage links.

2. Building relations - very important and algorithm-proof way of getting sustainable results.

3. Broken link building

4. Guest blogging. Am i Crazy? Didn't Matt Cutts just said that its done?

There's nothing wrong with guest blogging as long as it's done right. Personally I don't think Google will actually do something scalable at this moment. Like blog networks, quality of content is a pretty hard thing to filter with any degree of reliability using the algorithm. While this is something that we should be watching closely, I’m guessing that Google will do exactly the same thing they did to blog networks to scare as many people as possible from the tactic because there is really no viable way to kill them using the algorithm.

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