5 Content Mistakes I Need to Avoid in 2017 (You Need To Avoid them, too!)

By Tony Yeung — Originally Published at Apartment Number 2 “5 Content Mistakes I Need to Avoid in 2017


I made lots of mistakes in the past year, and those mistakes could affect the SEO.

In this article, I will show my 5 content mistakes (and it is good to avoid them!)

My Content mistakes = Lesson

I make mistakes all the time. It is important to know the mistakes and learn from them. Content marketing has been changed in the past few year. It’s 2017, here are some mistakes I learned in the past and I would avoid in this year.

(1) Not Maintaining a Consistent Blog

Perhaps this is the Generation-Me problem: no long term and consistent plan. When many young bloggers started their blogs, they had lots of creative and new ideas. Unfortunately, 90% of these blogs end up never maintain well. I am in the same boat, unfortunately. I realise I am one of those people who did not like to manage the blog in the past few years.

In 2017, it is time for me to change.

A well-functioning website to display my services and brand my service is important. A blog does not guarantee to have inbound leads, traffic opportunities or stable clients. Regularly posting good contents is the key factor to increase traffic, connect to people, and brand your business. Readers want to know more contents and they want to get it through blogs.

What I learn: Update my website consistently with new contents.

(2) Misusing Social Media

Social Media is great and free, but I learned that I have to use it wisely. Social Media is not just for me to post links online. Nobody would read it without clear contents. People would lose interested when I just posted the links. They would also think the link is a spam.

Understanding my audience on social media is important, interaction with my audience on social media is a way to brand my reputation.

What I learn: Use social media to connect people in my industry.

(3) Bad Grammar and no proofread

When I was a student, I did not like to proofread my essay. This became my habit when I wrote this blog. The bad writing posts could be worse on the social media platform.

I think I have missed a lot of opportunities because of my bad writing blog posts. People judge you quickly based on the quality of the content that you created.

There is nothing more unprofessional in online content than misspelt words or confusing contents.

What I learn: Proofread before I publish the content.

(4) Quantity over Quality

When I started to build a website at the first time, I produced a large amount of content. I thought it was a good plan. In fact, it can be harmful to publish too many contents. Too many different kinds of contents may confuse the audience. It can easily get some people who are not my target audience.

I learned that it takes times to build up a good quality of contents. And it does not just fill a page to leave the impression to people.

(5) Only Using One Tactic

When I started my business, I only built a website with few pages. In fact, that is not enough. Staying stuck in just one tactic can limit my reach and my creative powers.

On the other hand, people like to find and learn something new online. A website with dull contents could not be interesting. Presenting a good quality of contents needs to use different tactics. Using some eye-catching contents, such as infographics or videos, can get people’s attention and drive more traffic to my website.

What I learn: Using social media platforms, blogs, infographics, videos, and more different tactics.

Wrapping Up

My content mistakes can be your lesson. I am not the only one who have made all these mistakes. People can make other mistakes, such as not focus on SEO, no content goals, or not focus on mobile site.

So, what other content mistakes have you done?

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About the Author

Tony Yeung is a digital marketing specialist and the owner of Apartment Number 2, a consultancy focused on helping entrepreneurs and marketers see results with SEO, social media, and content marketing. Apartment Number 2 has worked with a range of clients from Publishing Company and Medical Company to a new startups.

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