7 Cozy Home where You’d Love to Be Snowed In: Pinterest Marketing Showcase

It is cold outside. Do you feel cozy? Do you want to see some cozy home design?


It is cold outside. Do you feel cozy?

Do you want to see some cozy home design?

In this article, I am going to show you 7 cozy home where you would love to be snowed in.

Cozy Home — The snug life chose me

7 Cozy Home where You'd Love to Be Snowed In: Pinterest Marketing Showcase from Tony Yeung Toronto Social Media Marketing Specialist
7 Cozy Home where You'd Love to Be Snowed In: Pinterest Marketing Showcase from Tony Yeung Toronto Social Media Marketing Specialist
7 Cozy Home where You'd Love to Be Snowed In: Pinterest Marketing Showcase from Tony Yeung Toronto Social Media Marketing Specialist
7 Cozy Home where You'd Love to Be Snowed In: Pinterest Marketing Showcase from Tony Yeung Toronto Social Media Marketing Specialist
7 Cozy Home where You'd Love to Be Snowed In: Pinterest Marketing Showcase from Tony Yeung Toronto Social Media Marketing Specialist
7 Cozy Home where You'd Love to Be Snowed In: Pinterest Marketing Showcase from Tony Yeung Toronto Social Media Marketing Specialist

7 Amazing Facts about Pinterest

Do you know…

  • 58% of Pinterest users access the social media platform on their tablet (Source)
  • 88% of users purchased the product they pinned (Source)
  • Top 5 cities Pinterest users are New York, Atlanta, Los Angles, Seattle, and San Francisco (Source)
  • According to a recent survey, 75% of people said Pinterest is the best place to find new interests. (Source)
  • Pinterest is valued at $11 billion. (Source)
  • In 2015, Pinterest was the most popular social media platform among online shoppers, with 55% of US internet users picking it as their top choice. (Source)
  • The average order value of sales coming from Pinterest is $50 — higher than any other major social platform. (Source)

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